Fans of Orange is the New Black are definitely going to be on Netflix when Season 4 when it hits its release date to see the relationship between Alex and Piper, which is essentially the main plot on a show that is dealing with many storylines about the inmates of Litchfield prison. In addition to the relationship with Alex and Piper, there are also some rumors and possibly spoilers about the return of characters like Bennett, Stella, Nicky, and Larry.
According to Realty Today, Matt McGorry, who plays the character Bennett, recently discussed the sudden disappearance of his character from Season 3. For those that have forgotten, John Benett seemed is a prison guard that unintentionally impregnated Daya (Dascha Polanco). At first it was going to seem like Bennett was going to stay committed to Daya and her baby, but after meeting Daya's family, he took off completely.
McGorry plays double duty as he is also on ABC's How To Get Away With Murder, where he plays an aspiring lawyer named Asher Millstone. McGorry says it is not difficult to play both characters as they are not that different. It is not known whether or not Bennett will be returning to season 4.
It is also not known if Ruby Rose's character of Stella will be returning. This character became a very quick fan-favorite when she was introduced in Season 3, but was sent off to Maximum Security by the finale. She definitely came in between Piper (Taylor Schilling) and Alex (Laura Prepon).
iDigitalTimes gives reasons why characters could return from Maximum Security as the last scene of Season 3 showing prison cubicles being double-stacked to fit more inmates, hinting that the corporation running the prison wants to further increase their profits from the prison. This would cause them to shut down Maximum Security to make the operation much leaner, and thus characters like Stella as well as another fan favorite Nicky (Natasha Lyonne) would be return with the rest of the prisoners.
Ruby Rose has admitted to Variety that she has no idea if she is coming back, and thinks it would make things more interesting. Since the show is already shooting in New York, she admits that she clearly wasn't a part of those episodes.
Many people are essentially rooting for Alex and Piper, who many see as the "Ross and Rachel" of the show. The fate of Alex seemed unknown, as it looked like she would be assassinated by Kubra on the cliffhanger. It looks like Alex somehow survives this encounter as Laura Prepon left a message on Instagram saying that she is "excited to get out there and make an awesome season for you guys".
The problem with getting Alex and Piper together is that the show would be veering away from its real-life inspiration. Piper Kerman ended up marrying Larry in 2006, a character played by Jason Biggs that was not seen at all in Season 3. Piper and Larry broke off their engagement because they were essentially unfaithful to each other, and Season 4 could bring Larry back for a reunion.
So far, Orange is the New Black doesn't have a set Release Date, but it should appear on Netflix around the Summer of 2016.