Testimony of a Formerly Gay Christian: How I Got Out of My Stuggles & Received New Life (Part 1)

This here is Brother Hua, he was born in Hong Kong and is currently residing in California with a successful career in finance. He and his beautiful wife have built a warm and loving family with three kids, now eight, six, and three years old respectively. Fifteen years ago, Hua finally came out of his struggle with homosexuality, and soon after he met his now-wife. Remembering past pains and triumphs, Hua choked up several times as he shared his life’s journey with a reporter from The Gospel He

How the Church Can Be the Mainstay of Society Admist the LGBTQ Inrush

In today's society, LGBTQ issues are hitting the church like a hurricane. How can the church be a mainstay of society amidst this spiritual battle? This is a question that requires in-depth thinking and action. Dr. Jane Yang (杨符济珍) points out in her sharing that churches must pay attention to the LGBTQ community and develop ministries to contain them. If they are not cared for and nurtured in the church, then these people will turn to a society that is more than eager to indoctrinate them with s

How the Church Can Be the Mainstay of Society Admist the LGBTQ Inrush

Dr. Jane Yang: The LGBTQ Flood is Breaking Church Walls

Head of the Gender and Relational Ministry of Family Keepers International, Dr. Jane Yang (杨符济珍) recently shared in a lecture about the impact of the LGBTQ movement on the church. With recent statistics and data, her lecture raised church awareness and concern over the issue.

Dr. Jane Yang: The LGBTQ Flood is Breaking Church Walls

Bible Verses About Homosexuality: Why It Is Not Right

The Bible provides clear guidance on various aspects of human life, including sexuality. When it comes to the topic of homosexuality, the Scriptures consistently present it as contrary to God's design for human relationships.

Bible Verses About Homosexuality: Why It Is Not Right