How Much Does the 'Johnson Amendment' Actually Restrict Religious Freedom?
June 11, 2017: How much does the "Johnson Amendment" actually infringe on religious freedom?
The Christian Post Editorial: 'Donald Trump Is Scam, Evangelical Voters Should Back Away'
"Donald Trump does not represent the interests of evangelicals and would be a dangerous leader for our country," editors of The Christian Post published Monday, adding they had never before taken a political position on a candidate. "We are making an exception because Trump is exceptionally bad and claims to speak for, and represent, the interests of evangelicals," they wrote.
Conservative News Anchor Rants on President Obama and Chattanooga Shooting: ‘Put the Fear of God in Their Desert’
A conservative news anchor used her TV show to deliver harsh remarks directed at President Barack Obama and radical Islam. She made the comments in relation to the shooting in the Tennessee city of Chattanooga, which killed four Marines and a Navy sailor.
Pastor David Ruzicka: Christians Should Seriously Reconsider Waving LGBT Rainbow Flag
The rainbow flag is a symbol that has been adopted by the LGBT community in the United States and around the world. Using scripture to reinforce his points, a pastor in Texas has urged Christians who have taken to flying the rainbow flag in support of same-sex marriage to reconsider their stance.
Is the American Christian Right, Evangelical and Catholic Conservatives, at War With Itself?
Christians who identify with right-wing politics in the United States have been dismayed by recent Supreme Court rulings in favor of Obamacare and the legalization of same-sex marriage. This has called into question whether or not the alliance between evangelical and Catholic conservatives is under more strain than ever.
College Professor Focuses on Plight of Middle East’s Christians, Who Are at Risk of Total Destruction
The plight of Christians in the Middle East has especially been brutal in Iraq and Syria. Now a college professor has tried to find a way to avoid a “clash of civilizations” in the region.
Canadian MP James Lunney Defends Christian-based World View, Says 'Militant Atheism More Akin to Militant Islam'
James Lunney, an independent MP in Canada’s Parliament, has written an editorial that defends both his Christian faith and his view of the world through that lens.
Center for American Progress: How the U.S. Can Help Middle East Christians
Christians and other minorities in the Middle East have faced persecution for centuries in the region. However, the latest round of persecution has left some Americans wondering how their country can help those people.
Gov. Mike Pence Stands His Ground on Indiana’s New Religious Freedom Law
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence continued to defend the Religious Freedom Restoration Act he recently signed into law. Now he has written an editorial clarifying why he signed it in the first place.
Being Christian in India Carries Risk Thanks to Government Policy
Although India’s government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised to protect everyone’s religious freedoms in the subcontinent, Hindu extremists have recently carried out persecutions and attacks against Christians. Now Mari Marcel Thekaekara explains what it is like to practice Christianity within that environment.
Suicide Prevention: Palo Alto High Student Carolyn Walword Writes Editorial on School Stress and Suicide Risks
Palto Alto High School student representative Carolyn Walword wrote an editorial on Thursday that focused on the stress that her fellow students felt, which can drive some of them into suicidal thoughts.
Mobilising the American Born Chinese for Mission Ministries
In the last decade or so, an increasing number of local born Chinese in Chinese churches have grown up to be young adults. This emerging and large significant people group is comprised mainly of second-generation offspring.