Is euthanasia an act of medical complicity? Column by Myung-Jin Lee,

Is euthanasia an act of medical complicity? Column by Myung-Jin Lee, "A doctor is a healer, not a killer"

A growing debate surrounding physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has raised fundamental ethical questions about the role of doctors in society. Should medical professionals, whose primary duty is to heal and preserve life, be permitted to assist in ending it? While some argue for the right to die with dignity, others warn of the dangerous implications of normalizing euthanasia. The essence of medical ethics is at stake, and the global medical community continues to grapple with this contentious iss

Faith doesn't mean you have to be serious all the time [Dr. Kim Hyung-tae Column]

Being a person of faith does not mean you have to be serious and solemn every day. In a world where there are few reasons to laugh, people might easily fall into collective depression. That’s why it’s a good idea to create moments of laughter and find humor in everyday life. After all, there’s even such a thing as laughter therapy!

Faith doesn't mean you have to be serious all the time [Dr. Kim Hyung-tae Column]

Faith Reflected in Dedication? The Christian Perspective in Netflix’s 'The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call' -Park Wook-Joo Column-

Netflix’s original drama, released on January 24, is a media-mix adaptation of the web novel and webtoon of the same name. The series follows the story of an outstandingly skilled and morally upright surgeon, Baek Kang-hyuk (played by Ju Ji-hoon), in an epic medical drama.

Faith Reflected in Dedication? The Christian Perspective in Netflix’s 'The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call' -Park Wook-Joo Column-

On AI: How do I defend the beacon of truth as a new idol rises?

AI is quietly eroding the foundation of our faith, even becoming a modern idol. In the face of this unprecedented technological storm, how do I stand firm and defend the beacon of truth?

On AI: How do I defend the beacon of truth as a new idol rises?
  • Olivet University License to Operate Revoked for 13 Reasons that Don’t Add Up

    Olivet University License to Operate Revoked for 13 Reasons that Don’t Add Up

    Olivet University recently found itself in the headlines after its former state agency, California's Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE), cited it with 13 violations of California's Code of Regulations. I personally attended the hearing online, analyzed the 111-page Olivet University decision, and heard from people at Olivet. The details were shocking.

  • From Dismissing to Replacing: How the Church Can Rethink Halloween

    Every October, opinions and voices among Christians about whether or not to celebrate Halloween resurface, week after week, over and over again.

  • Reflection from the 4th Lausanne Congress by a Chinese Pastor

    This past September 22-28, I had the privilege of attending the Fourth Lausanne Congress in Incheon, South Korea, as a young leader of the new generation. I was also privileged to be able to serve in Chinese text translation, registration, coordination, and other aspects. Therefore, I had the opportunity to witness the behind-the-scenes preparations and operations of the Congress and learned many valuable lessons. The theme this year was “Let the Church Declare and Display Christ Together”.

  • Did the Sun really stop? The challenge and breakthrough in Chinese campus mission through a Biblical view of the Kingdom of God

    In the eyes of many atheists, especially college students in mainland China, the Bible contradicts science. Examples such as Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei being persecuted by the Catholic Church usually comes to their mind. So, I think for the ministers from Campus Ministry in China have to study further to face the challenge, so that the students know there is no conflict between Science and the Bible, but the conflict comes from the divergence of Hermeneutics and power struggle inside o

  • Ending Racism: The Bible Tells Us So

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  • Five Questions Congress Should Ask Mark Zuckerberg About Online Censorship

    WASHINGTON (NRB) - With Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg set to appear before House and Senate committees this week in the wake of intense congressional concerns over data privacy, Dr. Jerry A. Johnson, president & CEO of National Religious Broadcasters, is urging committee members to press Zuckerberg also on the growing problem of online censorship at Facebook and other Big Tech platforms.
