Will the World End in 2017 With the Dawning of 'Great American Eclipse'? Leading Evangelists Respond
Will the world end in 2017? With the upcoming "Great American Eclipse", wars, and ongoing terrorism seen around the world, some have speculated that we are indeed living in the End Times.
Shroud of Turin, Believed to be Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ, Carries Blood of Torture Victim: Study
July 20, 2017: The Shroud of Turin, which some believe to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, carries the blood of a torture victim, researchers in Italy have discovered.
Biblical Narrative of Descendants of Ham, Son of Noah Supported by DNA of Ancient Mummies
June 27, 2017: Groundbreaking research based on DNA taken from Egyptian mummies supports the Old Testament narrative that the first Egyptian Dynasty descended from the biblical Ham, one of Noah's four sons.
How I Weigh Upon A Star: Hubble Telescope Made Possible the 'Impossible' As Einstein's Experiment Works
7 June 2017: The Hubble telescope achieved the ‘impossible’: weighing a star by using technology that has finally caught up with Einstein’s experiment idea.
1,600-Year-Old Frescoes Depicting Early Church, Bible Scenes Uncovered in Rome’s Oldest, Most Extensive Catacomb
Ancient frescoes depicting the early Christians and some scenes from the Bible were uncovered in Rome’s oldest catacomb located near the Appian Way.
Subtitle Files Are The Perfect Place For Malware To Lurk
Hackers have turned to subtitle files as a subtle method of hiding malware.
New Tesla Autopilot Update To Deliver A Smoother Ride
A brand new autopilot update for Tesla vehicles is said to deliver a smoother ride while one is on the highway.
Toyota and Nvidia Team Up With Autonomous Cars in Mind
Toyota will be working alongside chipmaker Nvidia to introduce a new fleet of self-driving cars.
Ancient Tablet Points to Existence of Tower of Babel—Is It the Biblical Tower Mentioned In Genesis?
Images found on an ancient tablet reveals that the Tower of Babel was not mere fiction but was an actual massive structure that stood in Babylon. However, is it the same tower mentioned in the book of Genesis?
DOCOMO Delivers First Spherical Drone Display In The World
Most of us are familiar with drones, but how many of the drones that we have seen so far come with a spherical drone display? NTT DOCOMO scores a first with their attempt.
Man Builds Own iPhone For $300 With Parts Sourced From China
Ever wondered whether the premium you forked out for an iPhone was worth it? A man decided to take the road less traveled and built his own...for $300.
Apple Car Coming With California DMV Permit Approval?
Apple is now licensed to test its self-driving car if it wants to, having picked up the permit to do so from the California DMV.
Water Harvester Pulls Water Directly From The Desert Air
A solar-powered water harvester that is capable of generating water using desert air alone? Take my money already!
3,000-Year-Old Donkey Dung Provides Evidence for Existence of King Solomon’s Mines
Archaeologists have finally found evidence that could prove the existence of King Solomon’s mines, and they found it in donkey dung that is thousands of years old.
Tesla Software Update 8.1: Autosteer At 80mph, Automated Lane Change & Parking
Tesla's latest software update 8.1 is set to change the rules on the road yet again, this time around introducing features such as automated lane change, automated parking, and autosteer even at 80mph.
SpaceX Reusable Rocket Makes History With Successful Relaunch
Space travel might just get a whole lot more affordable (relatively speaking) with SpaceX's reusable rocket idea taking off -- and landing, only to take off again.
NASA's MAVEN Reveals Most of Mars' Atmosphere Was Lost to Space
Solar wind and radiation are responsible for stripping the Martian atmosphere, transforming Mars from a planet that could have supported life billions of years ago into a frigid desert world, according to new results from NASA's MAVEN spacecraft.
Tesla Model X’s Autopilot To Blame For Minor Accident Involving Police Motorcycle
It looks like there is still plenty of work that needs to be done concerning Tesla's autopilot capability in their cars if such incidences were to be avoided in the future.