'Married At First Sight' Season 3 Episode 5 'Moving In' Recap and Sneak Peeks, Episode 6 Preview

Married at First Sight Season 3
Married at First Sight Season 3 participants: Vanessa Nelson, Neil Bowlus, Ashley Doherty, David Norton, Samantha Role and Tres Russell FYI

The honeymoon is over, and our Married at First Sight couples open the episode with their hopes and fears of moving in together and starting their new lives back in Atlanta. Will the couples bond more in this episode as things begin to get "real?"

Vanessa and Tres seem ready to go back and start their new lives together.

Ashley keeps reiterating that she is married to a stranger, but she likes David- just "not in a romantic sense." David is eager to start his life as part of a married couple.

Samantha and Neil seem to be in a better place. The near-death experience they had the last episode where Samantha turned into the wrong lane in front of an oncoming car and Neil's calm reaction to it appears to have improved their bond.

Intimacy Update

Samantha and Neil have progressed to exchanging hugs.

David and Ashley high five each other.

Vanessa and Tres are still kissing about every chance they get.

The couples take tours of each others bachelor/bachelorette pads before they get ready to discuss finances and finding new homes. Here's how the rest of the episode went for each couple:

David and Ashley

Ashley spends the first night back alone at her apartment. David is losing his positive attitude. "My wife has chosen to spend the night without me." He talks about feeling as if she may not like him, and he is feeling defeated. "I'm starting to think my marriage is in trouble." When they get back together to talk about living arrangements, David is all about finding a place that isn't too close for her to "run home to."

David's apartment is "A guy's apartment," according to Ashley. "If you don't have anything nice to say, then you shouldn't say anything at all," she says.

They discuss finances, and David wants to get a bigger place in the $3k range. Ashley seems a little apprehensive, because her finances are tight as a student, but David assures her that he is making $175k a year, and he is more than willing to be the provider of the home as the man.

The two find a nice big, furnished house for $3500 a month, and for the first time, seem to be on the same page about things. There is already trouble in their place on the first night. David is relieved that the problem was only Ashley breaking off the toilet handle.

David's mom comes over to celebrate her birthday, and Ashley is pleased with her new mother-in-law. David is happy to see the women in his life getting along.

Neil and Samantha

These two also decide to spend the first night alone in their own apartments. They spend the time talking to friends about their honeymoons and futures. When they reconvene at Sam's apartment, Neil meets her dog and gets to see her "plethora of wax melts"t hat she is embarrassed about, but Neil is accepting. Sam goes to Neil's and realizes that his bachelor pad is well decorated. He tends to buy expensive things.

Financial- wise, both of them are debt free, but Samantha is better at managing money and knows how to get good deals, invest and save. They agree to split the financial responsibility 60/40 because Samantha wants Neil to be the provider.

Neil and Sam enjoy a little more closeness and can jokingly banter with each other. Sam alludes to the fact that she is feeling more like his friend, but not quite like his wife yet. They find a place with a pool and within their budget.

Moving in, Samantha confesses to the viewers that she is afraid Neil will be a different person off camera than on. She talks about her anxiety about moving in to be with a stranger. She is so tired that she passed out on the couch. Neil is completely understanding of the toll it is taking on everyone.

Vanessa and Tres

This couple starts off their home return by discussing the fondness of their own neighborhoods. Vanessa wants to be in the city, and Tres desires being in the suburbs close to work. They will temporarily move into Vanessa's place since Tres has a roommate.

When talking finances, Tres admits that he likes to spend a lot, while Vanessa is a saver. Tres is hoping to become better with his spending habits in his marriage. He is happy to hear that he makes more than her because he wants to be the "breadwinner."

They find a place in Midtown, but it's the biggest draw is the distance from Tres' work. Looking closer to Tres' old place, they find a nice place shown by a couple married for 46 years. Vanessa doesn't want to live in the Buckhead area but realizes that she can compromise since Tres will be the breadwinner.

Later, she makes them a romantic dinner of all of his favorite things for them to eat in their furniture-less living room. Tres appreciates the effort. He picks her up and carries her off to bed.

Preview for next week:

Tres excitedly announces that they've consummated their marriage. Sam talks about the two Neils that she knows- the cool Neil she knows when cameras aren't running, and the on-camera Neil. David gets really upset, saying something about his dad dying and stormed off, leaving Ashley to appear afraid or uncertain because she has never seen him like that and doesn't know what to do.

In a special sneak peek of Married at First Sight shown as an advertisement during another A & E program, we find a very disappointed Vanessa. Trey is passed out on the couch apparently after a night of drinking, and Vanessa doesn't feel like she can fully trust him anymore. The most romantic couple still seem to be having their issues.

Tune in for more Married at First Sight to watch previous episodes, including this current one at Fyi.tv. Let us know your thoughts on the show in the comments!