Article By Desiree M. Mondesir
  • Dr. Ben Carson Encourages ‘U.S.’ to Stand Up for Our Faith

    Dr. Ben Carson is fed up with secular progressives swindling Americans out of their religious rights. He recently made a comparison between the United States and Soviet Union to The Washington Times that is likely startling to many.

    Dr. Ben Carson Encourages ‘U.S.’ to Stand Up for Our Faith
  • There and Back Again: Man Visits Heaven in Near-Death Experience

    There and back again is usually stated in the context of The Hobbit, but for one man, his there and back again involved an alleged trip to Heaven.

    There and Back Again: Man Visits Heaven in Near-Death Experience
  • Bishop TD Jakes Hits Stalker with Lawsuit

    "Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison." That's what Jesus said in Matthew 5:25, but it would appear a former parishioner of The Potter's House thought otherwise.

    Bishop TD Jakes Hits Stalker with Lawsuit
  • Liberal Reporter Makes 6th Honor Roll Student Feel Bad for Good Grades

    A liberal reporter named Karen Gray Houston recently cornered a sixth grade Honor Roll student because of his academic status. The anchorwoman reported on the "unfair" nature of Eastern Middle School's way to reward their high-achieving students.

    Liberal Reporter Makes 6th Honor Roll Student Feel Bad for Good Grades
  • Roma Downey Casts Out Satan in 'Son of God'

    Roma Downey and husband, Mark Burnett have cast Satan out of their upcoming "Son of God" film. The makers of "The Bible Series" which broadcasted on The History Channel, have set their sights on the silver screen with their spin-off movie, "Son of God." The miniseries, which aired in 2013, unfortunately suffered major backlash when actor Mohamen Mehdi Ouazan who portrayed Satan took the screen.

    Roma Downey Casts Out Satan in 'Son of God'