Article By Lora Simmons
  • New Transgender Policy for Minnesota High Schools Doesn’t Change Truth of God’s Design

    On Thursday, the Minnesota State High School League overwhelmingly passed a measure that will allow transgender student athletes to participate in traditionally girl-only sports. The decision, read before a packed house at the MSHSL's offices in Brooklyn Center, caused an outburst of cheers and tears among supporters.

    New Transgender Policy for Minnesota High Schools Doesn’t Change Truth of God’s Design
  • FDA Considers Lifting Ban On Blood Donations From Homosexual Males

    On Tuesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Blood Products Advisory Committee proposed a reversal of a federal government policy banning homosexual men from donating blood. The existing lifetime ban on blood donations started in the early 1980s and was established to prevent the transmission of HIV at the start of the AIDS epidemic.

    FDA Considers Lifting Ban On Blood Donations From Homosexual Males
  • Pope Francis Seeks Inter-Faith Alliance To Stop ISIS Violence Against Middle Eastern Christians

    During a weekend trip to Turkey, Pope Francis spoke out against religious persecution, and encouraged dialogue and tolerance amongst religious leaders to counteract faith-based killings in the Middle East.

    Pope Francis Seeks Inter-Faith Alliance To Stop ISIS Violence Against Middle Eastern Christians
  • Ferguson Calms as Worldwide Protests Continue

    Following Monday's grand jury decision to not indict Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, the small Missouri town has seen more rioting, looting and vandalism. Prior to the decision, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon activated the state's National Guard and declared a state of emergency.

    Ferguson Calms as Worldwide Protests Continue
  • Grand Jury Clears Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson Shooting

    On Monday, a St. Louis, Mo. grand jury chose not to indict Darren Wilson, a Caucasian police officer, in the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed, 18-year-old African-American man. The decision, from three black and nine white jurors who were chosen in May, came after nearly three months and more than 70 hours of testimony from 60 different witnesses.

    Grand Jury Clears Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson Shooting