Amanda Blackburn's killer has made multiple mistakes that are quickly leading to his capture. The most recent discovery, though heart wrenching, is one of possibly the most helpful to police. Amanda Blackburn put up a courageous fight, but was also reportedly raped by her killer. The DNA evidence that has been found is a powerful piece of evidence for leading to an even faster capture of the murderer.
There is also evidence that someone used one of Amanda Blackburn's bank cards to purchase gas from a gas station located at W. 71st Street and Michigan Road in Indianapolis. A survalence video has captured footage of the purchaser.
By now, the police have questioned several suspects and have taken three men into custody. Police have also received DNA swabs from the three men, which will indicate any connection that they may have had to the crime.
Amanda's husband, Davey Blackburn, says that Amanda, "had this incredible way of seeing potential in people that most people didn't see in themselves. And I feel like she did this in everything in her life."
He noted a specific focus that she had as an example: "One of the things that she's been doing over the past four years was building this business where she restored furniture. She would take what looked to be trash and she would turn it into something that was beautiful, that was treasure."
Reminiscing about how he'd joke with her whenever she's ask him to pick up some furniture along the side of the road, he said, "I'd be like, 'Babe, you can't do anything with this.' And she's like, 'Just trust me. Gimme time and I'll make it into something beautiful.' And I think that's what's so great about even what Jesus has been showing us in the process of all of this is that we serve a God, Jesus Christ, that takes what the world says is a tragedy, what the world says is trash and in time He makes it beautiful. And I love the fact that now she's in Heaven with Jesus. She sees the end result."
Davey Blackburn's faith and the faith of the extended family has been like a beacon that has been shining brightly in the midst of a midnight of pain and terror. Davey just keeps clinging to Jesus and the Biblical promise of hope for the future as he seeks the Lord for, "what's next" in this new season of his life.
He said that knowing that God will take the ashes of all of this and somehow make them into beauty is, "where we get hope in this whole situation. It's a hope that doesn't make sense. It's a peace that doesn't make sense even to us. And I know to the world. But we know that she loved Jesus, we love Jesus and we have that perspective that has really helped us to derive strength from this whole thing."
Those who have lost a spouse, child or other close loved one may want to check out a Biblically based organiztion called Grief Share. It offers helpful insights into healthy grieving and effectively working through the grieving process.