Android 6.0 Marshmallow Release Date Update for HTC One M9 and One M8 for Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, US Cellular, T-Mobile

HTC Marshmallow update.
HTC is getting its share of updates Twitter/HTC

Right now, Android 6.0 (also known as Marshmallow or Android M) is rolling out into the world, but so few Android devices like those from Samsung, Motorola, Sony, and LG actually have it.  Then there is HTC, which has made promises to its users about when Android M will be coming to their latest flagship and other phones.  This is what is known about the Android M 6.0 Marshmallow Release Date Upgrade for HTC One M9 and One M8 for carriers like Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, US Cellular, and T-Mobile. 

One of the best things about HTC is how up front they are with the release dates of Android for their devices.  Generally, the company promises 90 days until the latest update for Android will hit the latest of their devices.  Considering that Android 6.0 was formally released at the beginning of October, it doesn’t look like the company will be keeping that promise. 

This is especially true of the HTC One M9 and HTC One M8 flagship phones, which were slated to receive Android 6.0 at the “beginning end of 2015”.  As a subscriber of Verizon who uses an HTC One M9, a search on “System Update” reveals nothing, but would advise users of the M9 and M8 to keep attempting this.

This is not the first time that the company has been able to keep its promise as the same thing happened last year when Android 5.0 (also known as Android L or Lollipop) began to roll out.  HTC adds its own Sense operating system to Android 6.0, and this could be the reason for the delay. 

Another reason for the delay is the subscribers like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, US Cellular, and T-Mobile often release their upgrades at different times.  The other HTC phones to receive the update include:

·         HTC One M9+

·         HTC One E9 +

·         HTC One E9

·         HTC One ME

·         HTC One E8

·         HTC OneM8 EYE

·         HTC Butterfly 3

·         HTC Desire 826

·         HTC Desire 820

·         HTC Desire 816

Mo Versi, an unofficial spokesperson of the Android updates on HTC, often reveals updates on Twitter.  Unfortunately, the last tweet from the VP of Product Management at the company was on December 22, 2014, revealing that updates to the unlocked A9 6.0.1 and the unlocked M9 6.0 will be downloaded within the next 24 hours.

Considering that the A9 was launched with Marshmallow out of the box, that is only a small step for the official unrolling of Marshmallow for HTC. 

So when will the rollout be happening for all the previously mentioned HTC devices?  Most estimate sometime in Q1 for the latest models, and Q2 for everything else.