At this point, it has been about half a year since Android version 6.0 (also known as Android M or Marshmallow) began its initial rollout, with Google's own Nexus devices receiving it first. It has been a very slow rollout, particularly for Sony, but it looks like the Japanese company is starting to catch up, with some exceptions. This is the latest news on Android M Version 6.0 Marshmallow Release Date for Sony Xperia Z5, Z4, Z3, and Z2 on Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, AT&T, and Verizon.
With the rollout of Android 6.0 coming to Sony, the first in line to receive it would obviously be the most recent flagships of the Z5, Z5 Compact, and the Z5 Premium. We reported last week that it should be coming to these devices "soon", and we also reported on a bug that has been coming with the update. After doing a search, there doesn't seem to be any news on the bug, and many sources are saying the upgrade is rolling out to the Z5 series.
This would appear to be the case for other Sony smartphones such as the Xperia Z4 Tablet, and some of the Z3 and Z2 series as well. According to the Xperia Blog, it would appear that the beta testing program stage is over for the variants of the Z2 (D6503), Z3 (D6603), and Z3 Compact (D5803) range. Sony Mobile has expanded the Marshmallow rollout for more Xperia Z2 and Z3 variants, and is now rolling out on the Xperia Z3 Dual, Xperia Z2 HSPA+ model (D6502), and the Xperia Z2 Tablet.
So, is everything really "taken care of" when it comes to the rollout of Android M on Sony? It would appear that most of the flagships are covered, but Tech Radar reports that Sony has confirmed an update to the Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact, Xperia M5, Xperia C5 Ultra, Xperia M4 Aqua, and the Xperia C4. The upgrade for these Sony smart devices should be coming soon, with the Z1 and the Z1 Compact bypassing it entirely.
So basically, if you have a Sony Android device that is relatively new, then you should go into the "Settings" and "System Update" to see if the upgrade is available. The upgrade may not be available depending on your carrier like Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, AT&T, and Verizon.
I suppose this means that the next logical step for Sony is to introduce the Sony Xperia Z6, which should have Android 6.0 right out of the box. Except that won't probably happen, as Nashville Chatter reveals that it has been announced that the Z5 will be the last in the series. So it looks like Sony is going to be up to something new come later this year, and only they can say exactly what it is.