iOS 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 Jailbreak Update, Release Date and News for iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad

iOS 9 jailbreak
iOs 9.0 Jailbreak from Pangu is now available Pangu/Gotta Be Mobile

For those that aren't aware, jailbreaking the iOS on the iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad, is removing the software restrictions Apple puts on its personal operating system.  For those that know how to do it, these users have root access to the iOS file system and manager, which allows additional applications, extensions, and other services not available to those who only have access to the App Store. 

One popular jailbreaking team is Pangu, and it looks like they have finally succeeded in jailbreaking iOS 9.0, only to have versions 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 stop them from running the Cydia software application on iDevices.  This is what is currently known about the Apple iOS 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 Jailbreak Release Date and News.

According to a recent report from Day Herald, the most recently successful jailbreaks include iOS 9.0, 9.0.1, as well as 9.0.2. Version 9.1 really put the kibosh on jailbreaking as it fixed the loopholes that Pangu found on versions 9.0.  However, there appears to be news in jailbreaking iOS 9.1, and a report on iOS 9 Cydia has some instructions on how to do it.

Then there is a report from Luca Todesco, an iOS security researcher who states that version 9.2 is extremely difficult to jailbreak, even recommending that users of 9.1 not even upgrade. By the way, there is a report from the same Luca Todesco (Twitter handle of @qwertyoruiop) saying that he has managed to jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 and posted a screenshot of Cydia running on the iPhone 6, according to Redmond Pie.    Then there is another article from Redmond Pie saying that Tedesco has also jailbroken iOS 9.3, within hours after the beta version was released. 

If you aren't familiar with iOS 9.3, it just got released in beta, and should be available to every consumer very soon.  The new features include the "Night Shift", 3D Touch, and others that can be read about here.

It is pretty impressive that Todesco has jailbroken iOS 9.3 already since it isn't officially even out yet, and he has reportedly worked in collaboration with Pangu when the team was creating the jailbreak for iOS 9.  As far as the release dates for iOS 9.2 is concerned, a report from Gotta Be Mobile states that the jailbreak from iOS 9.2 is imminent, and could arrive "sooner than expected". 

There are also reports that there are some fake iOS 9.2 jailbreaking tools by some "unscrupulous hackers" according to The Bit Bag.  There are usually reports of Trojans and malwares that can damage devices.  For this reason, we give the disclaimer of not attempting to jailbreak one's iDevice until you are absolutely certain that you know what you are doing.