Attorney Michael Farris Leaves HSLDA to Reach 'Wider Sphere', Recruiting Christians into Courtroom


Founder of both Homeschool Legal Defense Association and Patrick Henry College, Michael Farris is stepping down from his position as HSLDA chairman after 33 years to assume the role of CEO and president of Alliance Defending Freedom. An attorney, Farris has devoted much of his life to protecting what he perceives to be the natural rights of families everywhere---acting in their defense on both a national, as well as international, level. In various situations and circumstances, Farris has tirelessly acted on the behalf of innumerable families in countries including, but not exclusively, the US. Concerning Denmark, for example, Farris fought long and hard over a case in which American leadership threatened to refuse harbor to a homeschooling family persecuted in their own country.

Obviously, Farris hs never hesitated to get involved politically, even interviewing politicians during the presidential campaign in order to allow HSLDA members a better eye's view of each candidate's beliefs on core values like life, religious freedom, and parental rights. America is important to Michael Farris, as are families and religious freedoms. "The opportunity to help protect religious freedom in particular, but human life, marriage, and the family in general, " Farris conveyed in his reason for taking the different position, "these are issues that are central to all of our lives, and I am confident that God's called me to this wider sphere for right now."

Those unfamiliar with the goals of Alliance Defending Freedom will be interested to know that the company self-attests to the supreme vision of "...funding cases, training attorneys, and successfully advocating for freedom in court." Their site bemoans the lack of Christian values being represented in today's court cases, and seeks to place Christians within the judicial system by training and equipping them towards official representation. Lest HSLDA members worry, however, Farris reassures that he'll "...still be fighting for issues that impact homeschooling and will still be collaborating with HSLDA on international cases." Michael, who has taught Constitutional Law and is a proud father of 10 and grandfather of 18, simply surmises his greatest ambition in each of his decisions; that is, that "...ultimately God gets the credit for all of our victories."