Bill Clinton Attributes Wife's Loss to Racism,Trump's Cabinet-Election List Lengthens


The validity of Donald Trump's election has been officially confirmed, and Bill Clinton is not conceding peacefully. The charitable verbiage towards the toleration, unity, and peaceful concession that trademarked his wife's presidential ambitions earlier is nowhere to be found as former president Clinton compounds on his wife's description of those"deplorables" he considers responsible for Trump's victory. 

In a racist rant, Bill Clinton attributed a Trump Administration to "angry white men.Other culprits included Russians and James Comey. Russians, Clinton insisted, had enacted pre-election hacks---and  James Comey. The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation had cited reason to investigate further into potentially more messages linked to the Clinton-email scandal, just prior to the election. When no other emails reported, Bill contends that suspicion "damaged" Hillary Clinton's campaign. In an apparent last attempt (for now) for empathy, Bill Clinton concluded after the poll results that we are presently living in a "post-truth era where facts don't matter." In addition, even children are distraught at Hillary's loss. One 6-year old allegedly reported asking to sleep for four years until the next election. 

What is to be done, according to Bill? "Stay awake." And act. In the meantime, Trump is proving himself a man of his word to conservatives and Christian rejoicing across the country as he continues fill his cabinet largely with Republicans. While not all have been confirmed, the following are rumored for the given positions: Dr. Ben Carson, as Housing and Urban Development Secretary, James Mattis, as Defense Secretary, Tom Price, as Health and Human Services Secretary, Betsy DeVos, as Education Secretary, and finally, former Texas Governor Rick Perry, for Energy Secretary.