Bill Nye and Sarah Palin Are Not Scheduled To Debate Over Climate Change during ‘Climate Hustle’ Film Premiere

Yesterday, there were a lot of headlines saying that Bill Nye, best known for being "The Science Guy" on educational television, and Sarah Palin, best known as the Alaskan Governor vice presidential candidate, were going to face-off in a debate about climate change.  Today, a lot of publications have had to write updates, as the two of them will not be in the same room together in a debate, and this is what is known about this event to take place during the film premiere of Climate Hustle

According to Mediaite, there will be a panel on May 2 that Palin is going to attend that will take place after the nation-wide screening of Climate Hustle in theaters.  Climate Hustle is a documentary produced by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and Marc Morano's and its purpose is to deconstruct theories about global warming. 

CFACT has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as an anonymously funded group known as Donor's Trust that specializes in backing groups denying the existence of global warming.  Imdb reports that the Climate Hustle "reveals the history of climate scares, examines the science on both sides of the debate, digs into the politics and media hype surrounding the issue, shows how global warming has become a new religion for alarmists, and explains the impacts the warming agenda will have on people in America and around the world".   From what it sounds like, Climate Hustle could be the antithesis of Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth, released ten years ago. 

It was thought that Bill Nye, who is very passionate about the existence of global warming, would be attending this event, and this got people talking about a debate between Sarah Palin and Bill Nye.  Whether or not it was actually scheduled to happen is inconsequential, as it is now being reported that this panel will feature "clips" of Bill Nye.  Variety has stated that a spokesperson for Nye says that Nye was never invited to the panel. 

So who is on the panel?  According to Raw Story, this event will feature remarks from Republican Lamar Smith, who chairs the House Science Committee.  It was last year when Smith accused the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration officials of altering data in order to create the appearance of global warming.  The discussion will be moderated by former Media Research Center president Brent Bozell.

At this point in time, it would not be surprising if Bill Nye was actually invited to the panel, as it would guarantee that a lot more people would watch this panel/event.