Celebrating Good Friday by Sharing Notes, Bible Verses, and Quotes about the Day the Son of God Was Crucified

BC Comic Strip Good Friday
One of 'B.C's Good Friday Strips. Creative Syndicate Inc.

I always admired the comic strip B.C. for its postings on Good Friday, and this particular one shows why this day is called "good".  While Easter Sunday is a great time of celebration for Christians to commemorate the resurrection of Christ, it is also important to remember that He died, as well as why.  For these reasons, it is good for Christians to send notes or messages to celebrate Good Friday.  This is how to celebrate Good Friday by sharing notes, verses, and quotes about Jesus' death on the cross. 

Before I discuss this issue, I want to discuss why it is important to celebrate Jesus dying on the cross.  When The Passion of the Christ came out in 2004, one of the criticisms of the film was that it spent too much time on the suffering of Christ.  Several people wondered why it was so focused on the torture that Jesus went through rather than the teaching that he gave.  The issue is that these critics miss is that the suffering that Jesus endured on the cross is meant to show God taking a punishment that we deserved upon Himself.  Yes, that Friday was a very bad day for Jesus, but because he rose from it, it is good for those who believe in Him. 

This is truly what Easter is all about.  So, two days before Easter, it is a good idea to send a message via email, SMS, or even Facebook, Twitter, and other sites to celebrate this.  Several examples have appeared in DNA India of Good Friday Messages including:  "I wish you all the blessings of Good Friday as a dedication to the sacrifice Lord Jesus Christ made for each one of us. Good Friday wishes."

It is quite easy to come up with a message of your own, but if you can't, then a message of a verse can also be sent.  Scriptures such as Luke 23:43 ("Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise"), or Mark 9:31 ("The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him.  And when he is killed, after three days he will rise") really convey the message of Good Friday. 

Then there is always the one that most Christians know by heart, John 3:16-17:  "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him."

The purpose of this Easter weekend is to remember the One who went to the cross for us, and to be thankful that Good Friday is good for us.