Creationist Ken Ham Attacks ‘Blind Faith’ of Organizers For Atheists' Reason Rally 2016

Ken Ham
Creationist and Answers in Genesis President Ken Ham posted in social media messages that atheists have their own religion -- ''It's a blind faith religion, it's an anti-God religion.'' Ken Ham Facebook

Creationist Ken Ham took to social media platforms within the last 24 hours to bash organizers of a national, secular event and accuse atheists of having crazed beliefs based purely on blind faith:  "Atheists believe universe & life arose by natural processes -- that's their religion -- it's a blind faith religion, it's an anti-God religion."

Ham, president of Answers in Genesis organization, also posted on his Facebook page Tuesday that the Reason Rally 2016 is advertised as "world's largest atheist party" is really a worship service. "They worship man, worshipping the god of self. You know, we need to be calling atheism for what it really is, a religion, an anti-God religion, a religion that exalts fallible human reason."

Reason Rally 2016 is scheduled for June 2-5 at Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. It will consist of speakers, lobbying, group meeting and entertainment. The last one was held in 2012.

Atheist Lawrence Krauss is speaking at next month's rally, according to Ham, and he attributes Krauss as saying, 'Forget Jesus...the stars died so you can be here.' "You see, he is worshipping the stars."

Ham said, "These atheists at the rally are no different than those the prophet Jeremiah spoke of: "Saying to a tree, 'You are my father,' And to a stone, 'You gave birth to me'" (Jeremiah 2:27). What will the message of the rally be? 'Become an atheist, die and that's the end -- there's no ultimate purpose to life.'"

He said atheists attack Christianity because they actively "suppress the truth in unrighteousness" (Romans 1).

"Atheists work hard against Christianity 'cause they're putting their hands over eyes and ears and shouting, 'I refuse to see and hear truth!' Their blind faith religion of natural processes is their way of explaining life without God, an anti-God religion," he said.

Ham said the words of Daniel 5:23 describe today's atheists: "The God who holds your breath in His hand and owns all your ways, you have not glorified."

So, atheists will worship man at the Reason Rally, but Ham offers the thought that God says, "You have lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven."

One of Ham's Facebook friends, Charles T Buffin, posted that he believed atheism is just an excuse for not being accountable for one's moral decisions and actions. He stated atheism is not the problem; it is the result of a problem. "This generation has absolutely no idea of what America or the world was like before cell phones and plasma TVs. Some schools are actually not even teaching correct history and the kids are so far removed from it that they don't realize it. America was a much different place 50 yrs ago..but then, nothing happening now is new. God destroyed the world once, and he will do it again."