Many comic book fans are very pleased with what Marvel has done with its Cinematic Universe. Not only has it brought The Avengers to life, giving this team separate movies, but they are also doing this on Netflix with Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, all to be combined in one mini-series known as The Defenders. Season 2 of Daredevil will soon be underway in a few months, but there is very little heard as far as Season 2 of Jessica Jones as well as other new shows like Luke Cage and Iron Fist. This has led fans wondering if Marvel and Netflix might be trying to do too much.
According to Movie Pilot, there is a release date planned for Daredevil Season 2, and it is March of 2016. Yes, that isn't much of a specific release time, but it will be towards the beginning of the year. By this time, the Deadpool movie will have been released, and possibly the Batman v. Superman movie as well. Captain America: Civil War is also coming out. All these superhero movies have a focus on antiheroes, as well as the idea of superheroes fighting each other.
Within this mix will come the Punisher's entrance into the Marvel Cinematic Universe via Season 2 of Daredevil. Jon Bernthal will be portraying the antihero who kills criminals, and Daredevil will undoubtedly get in his way. Mix in with Season 2 is Elektra, a veiled vigilante who was a partner/love interest for Daredevil.
So it looks like there is a lot going on with Daredevil. Even though Daredevil had been announced, the release dates for the next two series of Luke Cage and Iron Fist are still pending, according to the Day Herald. Luke Cage is expected to come sometime in 2016, which is right off the heels of Jessica Jones. Iron Fist is one big mystery that hasn't even been cast.
Speaking of Jessica Jones, there still is no word on whether or not the show has been renewed as yet. Considering that the first season was as big a hit as Daredevil, the question should not if there is a second season, but when. A recent report from Ecumenical News states that a second season of the show is unlikely due to logistics, and the next time the character will be seen is when all four heroes team up on The Defenders.
The issue with trying to do a project this large is that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Unfortunately, getting these shows is a difficult undertaking, and it looks like Luke Cage and Iron Fist could get delayed if there are troubles on any one of them. Hopefully, the team behind this all at Marvel know how to arrange this, so the story builds in a subtle manner. For example, the Night Nurse is a character who has been introduced to both Daredevil and Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage was given a lot of development in Jessica Jones.
Considering that 2016 is going to be the year that superheroes begin to become antiheroes, it is possible that the public could be sick of superhero films before the beginning of 2017, which at this point could be the earliest that The Defenders could appear.