Destiny 2 Release Date: Latest Additions on Exotics and Major Weapon Balance Changes Set for December Update

Destiny House of Wolves

On Thursday, Bungie made another round of weapon balancing for Destiny. The developer released the new and exciting batch of Exotic weapons and armor in the game. For the planned December update, gamers will see upgrades in Pulse Rifles and Shotguns in PVP.

Furthermore, learn more about the upcoming release of Destiny 2 in September 2016.

In the game's weekly update, the developer revealed that new Exotic gears were coming, and there will be two brand new weapons. The studio stated that these upgrades will have perks to select on their talent trees.

Gaming experts said some Exotics from House of Wolves could be included in the update because they didn't have much playing time before. They also mentioned several pieces of Exotic weapons and armor from the Taken King.

Other possibilities include the MIDA Multi-tool and the Armamentarium. Experts commented that the latter is badly needed because Titans are the only class in the game that doesn't have a piece of Year Two armor.

The big part of the latest update comes from another round of weapon balancing. In the current PVP meta, Pulse Riles and Shotguns have a big advantage.

For Pulse Rifles, they will have damage reduction for about 8 to 9 percent for the majority of the weapon. However, the reduced damage is only applied in the Crucible, as the base damage to the enemy will increase from .3x to 1.25x.

Shotguns will have reduced efficiency regarding shooting range. It will now have slower reload time, slower base movement speed, and slower Aim Down Sights time. Moreover, it will be slower to fire after coming out from sprinting.

According to Inquisitr, these changes in the game are the hardest nerf out of any of the weapon-balancing updates.

On another hand, Auto Rifles will receive an increase in base damage by 3 to 7 percent depending on the archetype. Hand Cannons will have added accuracy when Aiming Down Sights.

Also, Luke Smith, creative director of Bungie, posted via Twitter the information about Raid Challenges.

For the latest news about Destiny 2: The Shattered Suns, a report says the game will still allow gamers to use their current character, and the changes will heavily focus on Osiris and his endeavors. Also, the developer will grant gamers matchmaking requests.