Franklin Graham Urges Believers to Vote Political Leaders Who Value Life

Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham Wikimedia Commons

As Sept. 30 marked the 40th anniversary of the Hyde Amendment, evangelist Franklin Graham urged voters to vote for political officials who value life and will be a voice to the voiceless.

The Hyde Amendment is a federal law passed in 1976 barring the use of tax funding to pay for abortion, except when the life of the mother is at risk or when the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest. It is not a permanent law; it is an annual appropriations rider.

Hendry Hyde offered the amendment, reasoning that Americans “cannot in logic and conscience help fund the execution of these innocent, defenseless human lives,” according to Breitbart.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the amendment and recognized that abortion is not the same as other medical procedures “because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life.”

Graham said there are government officials who want to overturn the Hyde Amendment, a move that will force taxpayers to fund abortions against their will.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who has consistently taken a pro-abortion stand, has promised to repeal the Hyde Amendment.

“She will repeal the Hyde amendment to ensure low-income women have access to safe reproductive health care,” her website stated. “And she will fight to protect and build on President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which bans insurance companies from discriminating against women and guarantees more than 55 million women access to preventive care.”

The amendment has been passed every year with bipartisan support. A study done by the Charlotte Lozier Institute shows that it saves the lives of 60,000 babies each year. Since it was passed in 1976, it has saved more than 2 million babies overall.

The study concluded that limiting public funding of abortion reduces abortion rates.

Graham strongly condemned abortion and called it an act of “murder” and “infanticide.” He urged the public to vote for government officials who will stand up for society’s most vulnerable members.

“We need political leaders who will, along with citizens who value life, stand up for the most vulnerable and voiceless among us,” he wrote on Facebook.

However, he clarified he is not pointing the people to choose a particular candidate.

“I’m not telling anyone who to vote for, but I am speaking out on issues that impact all of us as Americans,” he clarified. “God cannot bless a nation that embraces the murder of innocent children.”

He told believers to do their research, dig up facts and study them in light of what God is saying in His Word before going out to vote on Nov. 8. He also told them to study the candidates’ platforms to know what their convictions are about certain issues.

“This applies at all levels—local, state, and national elections,” Graham said. “Christians can bring change for the good in this country
if we will stand up and let our voice be heard. One vital way to do that is by voting.”