GTA 5 Online Heists DLC Release Date Update: Still on Track For Next Patch

GTA V's Trevor is ready for the Heists DLC!

While Grand Theft Auto V's Patch 1.19 has come and gone with still no word of the free Heist DLC update, recent developments point to the highly anticipated online mode coming in the very next patch.

For roughly a year now, GTA V players have been teased about when the online Heists mode is coming to the game. Heists would allow players to join together in online multiplayer sessions to perform bank robberies and thefts in game and have what some are saying will be the best opportunities to make money in the game.

But the Heists DLC has been postponed several times since the game launched on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 last year, and many of the franchise's biggest fans are becoming quite aggravated at the delay.

A recent message from Rockstar reinforces the information we were told almost three weeks ago now: "the highly anticipated launch of Online Heists which will be available for all four consoles as the first GTA Online Update to happen after the game launches on PS4 and Xbox One." 

The game launched as an enhanced edition for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on November 18 of this year, so many believed that heists were coming directly afterward. When it didn't show up in the next patch, many believed the feature would be in the following patch. But several post-launch patches later, and we still don't have the exciting new online multiplayer Heists DLC.

Yesterday, when an anxious fan posted on the Rockstar support page about some frustrations at the delay of Heists, Rockstar responded, but with no new information.

"GTA Online is absolutely boring," the player wrote. "I've been waiting to no end for new DLC to make the game interesting, but I'm met with account suspensions (Because people keep sending me through the wrong 'channels', not giving information that I've requested, and ultimately corporate hooey.)"

But the response from Rockstar's Scott E. came quickly. "As we announced in this article, 'the highly anticipated launch of Online Heists which will be available for all four consoles as the first GTA Online Update to happen after the game launches on PS4 and Xbox One.' Therefore, we have been directing players to the Rockstar Newswire for information regarding Heists, because that is where the information will be announced. This advice is not meant to ignore your requests for information. It is simply to indicate that we have not announced the information that you are looking for and to direct you to the source that will release that information as soon as we announce it."

YouTuber NoahJ456 talks extensively in a new video about his own predictions for the Heists DLC, including new getaway vehicles, non-lethal weapon options, disguises, game updates, campaign glitch fixes, and even a projected launch window of "any day now!"

Will Rockstar make a big announcement just before releasing Heists? NoahJ456 says no. "They're going to make a Newswire post whenever they do and just let people go crazy with the hype."

So if you're excited about the Heists DLC, keep a close eye on the Rockstar Newswire and the developer's Twitter for when that info drops.