September 4-9 is the date for the big electronics convention in Berlin for 2015, known as IFA. A lot of the big electronics companies will be putting their best foot forward at this event, which includes the South Korean giant company LG. As for what will be unveiled, it is doubtful that there will be any new smartphones, but there are always rumors. It will appear that OLED TVs will be the main focus, and as far as livestreaming the LG Keynote, that could be possible.
According to The Verge, the only significant move expected from LG in terms of new Android devices will be a new generation of G Pads. They recently "quietly" unveiled the 8-inch G Pad for the South Korean market at the beginning of August, and they recently announced a 10.1 inch G Pad II. LG tends not to show off any new phones at IFA, and it doesn't look like there will be any sign of any wearable technology.
However, rumors are going about that there could be an LG G4 Pro making an appearance, which might end up being a Galaxy Note 5 competitor with a screen size bigger or just as big. There is also talks of another update to the LG Urbane, replacing webOS with Google's own Android Wear.
What will be shown off at IFA 2015 should be quite impressive, as the South Korean company has stated that "anyone who sees our newest TVs at this year's IFA will walk away without a shred of doubt that HDR (High Dynamic Range) and OLED complement each other perfectly", according to the International Business Times. The company plans on launching 4K OLED TVs at the convention, two of them will be curved screen, two of them will be flat screen, and three of them will support HDR. The announcement about the TVs has already been made, but LG will officially be showing them off on the floor at IFA 2015.
LG is also planning on introducing some new kind of Bluetooth speaker that will have more colorful and fashionable designs, as well as a strap that will allow the user to have a wireless speaker like a handbag.
For those interested in what LG has to say at the event in Berlin, the IFA website announced that LG Display CEO and President Sang-Beom Han will be delivering the opening keynote at IFA 2015 on the 4th of September in Berlin. That is about all that can be found online of it at this writing, as it doesn't appear to be any news of how to livestream at this moment. It will run on Berlin time at 10:30-11:15, and the keynote presentation will be called "How Displays Will Change Our Lives". This information could change, so users that want to see a live-stream of the event should do an Internet search as the deadline closes.