It’s Time to Take Sides in Egypt

Egypt's Christian community is under assault from jihadist radicals, according to the American Center for Law and Justice.

Churches are burning, including ancient cathedrals. Nuns are captured and paraded through the streets. Christian homes and businesses are attacked.

Christian children are dying.

The jihadist Muslim Brotherhood, furious that it has lost power, is taking out its rage on Egyptian Christians. It's past time for a clear message from the United States, according to the ACLJ.

Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ’s executive director, recently spoke with the Christian Post about the increasingly violent persecution of Christians in Egypt.

As Jordan explained the need for the United States government to take action to defend these persecuted Christians, according to the ACLJ.

“Words are not enough,” Sekulow said. “Yes, the United States – when we speak, it's powerful, but what also makes us powerful is the amount of funding we provide to the world and I think this is one of the opportunities we have to at least give this Muslim majority population and military, which we've had a pretty good relationship with, the opportunity to do the right thing.”

The Christian Post stated, “The ACLJ petition, which has already been signed by more than 37,000 people, calls on Obama to comply with human rights requirements and to stand on the side of religious freedom against the Muslim Brotherhood.”

There need to be more Western Christians clearly and loudly saying “No!” to Christian persecution and “No!” to the Muslim Brotherhood, asserts the ACLJ.

You can do this by signing this petition:

Founded by Hassan al-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood - or al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun in Arabic - has influenced Islamist movements around the world with its model of political activism combined with Islamic charity work, according to the BBC.

The movement initially aimed simply to spread Islamic morals and good works, but soon became involved in politics, particularly the fight to rid Egypt of British colonial control and cleanse it of all Western influence. While the Ikhwan say that they support democratic principles, one of the group’s stated aims is to create a state ruled by Islamic law, or Sharia. Its most famous slogan, used worldwide, is: “Islam is the solution, according to the BBC.

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) and its globally affiliated organizations are committed to ensuring the ongoing viability of freedom and liberty in the United States and around the world. By focusing on U.S. constitutional law, European Union law and human rights law, the ACLJ and its affiliated organizations are dedicated to the concept that freedom and liberty are universal, God-given and inalienable rights that must be protected, according to the ACLJ’s website.

The ACLJ and its worldwide affiliates engage in litigation, provide legal services, render advice to individuals and governmental agencies, as well as counsel clients on global freedom and liberty issues. They also support training law students from around the world in order to protect religious liberty and safeguard human rights and dignity.