'Top Gun 2' Release Date, Plot Update: Jerry Bruckheimer and Tom Cruise Tease Sequel; Emphasis On New Fighter Planes and Drones

Top Gun 2 is coming.
Tom Cruise and Jerry Bruckheimer for ''Top Gun 2'' Instagram

If you remember 1986, then you remember when Tom Cruise became fighter pilot Maverick in the hit movie Top Gun.  This film was as super-patriotic as it was manly, and oddly enough, this film is just now getting around to getting a sequel, and Jerry Bruckheimer and Tom Cruise, not to mention Val Kilmer, are back on board.  This is what is currently known about the Top Gun 2 Release Date and News. 

According to US Magazine, Jerry Bruckheimer, one of Hollywood's biggest producers responsible for Pirates of the Caribbean, Armageddon, Transformers, and CSI tweeted himself with Tom Cruise, saying: "Just got back from a weekend in New Orleans to see my old friend @TomCruise and discuss a little Top Gun 2."

This isn't the first news that there would be a Top Gun sequel as it was confirmed last year by Skydance Productions CEO David Ellison.  In a press junket, Ellison had this to say about what will occur in the sequel:  "It is very much a world we live in today where it's drone technology and fifth generation fighters. ... It's really exploring the end of an era of dogfighting and fighter pilots and what that culture is today."

Not much is known about Top Gun 2 except Cruise will be returning to play Maverick, and Val Kilmer will be back to play Iceman.  Of course, both of these men are 30 years older, and this is going to be interesting to see what the writers have done with this script. 

Top Gun 2, at this point, feels like a sequel that feels very late, and could come across like the not well-received Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.  After all, the 1986 film took place during the Cold War, with Maverick and his fellow pilots using dogfighting techniques to deal with Russian MIGs. The world has changed a lot since then, but Ellison admits that the world of dogfighting is not the same as the one since the original movie came out.  It should be very interesting if the film is going to address this, and hopefully, it will succeed.

One thing that hopefully will not change is the use of practical effects to achieve dogfighting scenes in the air.  Considering that many big Hollywood films have become dependent on Computer Graphics (CG), using it for Top Gun 2 would really downplay what made the first film exciting. Back then, most of the shots were done with real planes, and Ellison has addressed this issue already in saying: "As everyone knows with Tom, he is 100-percent going to want to be in those airplanes shooting it practically," according to Digital Trends

So far, there isn't any start of production for Top Gun 2, which makes determining the release date pretty impossible at this point.