Lance Wallnau Says Trump ‘Prophesied’ Anthony Weiner Controversy Months Ago

Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin
New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin attend a news conference in New York July 23, 2013.  Reuters/Eric Thayer

International speaker and business consultant Dr. Lance Wallnau said Republican nominee Donald Trump already predicted Anthony Weiner “will tell the world” about his wife Huma Abedin’s involvement in Hillary Clinton’s private emails.

The FBI has reopened its investigation on the Clinton private emails after stumbling upon pertinent information in Weiner's laptop, which contained 650,000 emails, while investigating him for allegedly exchanging illicit messages with a minor.

Wallnau pointed out that last August, Trump “prophesied” over social media that it will be through Weiner that Abedin’s secrets and knowledge about the private emails would be spilled out.

“It came out that Huma Abedin knows all about Hillary’s private illegal emails. Huma’s PR husband, Anthony Weiner, will tell the world,” Trump said in a tweet.

Wallnau said that as early as 2013, Trump already said Abedin should “dump the sicko Weiner” because he would eventually bring her down with him.

“He saw the national security implications of Abedin's close relationship with Clinton,” Wallnau wrote in an article for Charisma News. “I've said all along that Mr. Trump is uncannily prophetic! He calls it ‘instincts.’”

Wallnau said he hoped the Christians would have the “ears to hear” what he believes God has called Trump to be—a modern-day Isaiah 45 Cyrus anointed with “common grace.”

He explained “common grace” as the enabling that prevents society from destroying itself and the driving force that sets standards of justice and virtue.

Wallnau is among the evangelical leaders who have persistently expressed support for Trump even after the Trump tape came out last month. He stands by his belief that Trump will be a wrecking ball against political correctness.

On Wednesday, he shared a video of Trump being ministered to by Paul and Denise Goulet, pastors at the International Church of Las Vegas. He remarked about Trump’s openness to the “shaping of God,” while he criticized “religious” anti-Trump church leaders.

However, he believes no matter who wins in the 2016 US presidential election, the nation is due for a “shaking.”

“I believe that when the shaking happens … everything that can be shaken will be shaken,” he said recently in The Jim Bakker Show.

“However, in Hebrews, it’s called ‘yet once more has God promised,’“ he continued. “What we have to do is reframe how we see this, so that we see that the shaking is a promise, and that means it’s a threat only to God’s enemies but a promise to God’s people.”

Wallnau said if God’s people would position themselves “for the shaking” before the actual shaking takes place, then everything that comes against the advancement of God’s kingdom would be removed. This would happen so that “the unshakeable people of God can advance.”