Longmire Season 5 Netflix Release Date: Fans Are Rallying to Make Certain It Will Happen

Longmire Robert Taylor
Longmire, starring Robert Taylor, will be back.

Longmire was cancelled on A&E after three seasons, and fans were outraged.  Fortunately, their cries were heard and Netflix was able to renew the show for Season 4.  However, this was not enough as Season 4 ended with more than enough to tease for Season 5.  However, Netflix has been slow in getting back to the Longmire fans. 

According to Ecumenical News, the fans of the show, otherwise known as the Longmire Posse, organized an event that took place on October 7th in an attempt to make certain that the show will have what they feel to be a deserved fifth season. 

According to the Facebook site, this event looks like it took place online.  However, it describes it as "during the hour long Stampede, every share on Facebook of a Longmire Posse post, will go directly to Netflix & Longmire pages, as they will be tagged in every post! If you tweet, be sure to retweet all content with the hashtag on the poster, and @netflix in the tweet - as those too, will be seen by Netflix."

So far the Longmire Posse has over 50,000 likes, but is this enough to prove that a show is worthy of renewal?  Considering that the show, which had a good following, was taken off the air during its third season, it is very clear that the Longmire Posse is attempting to insure that such a thing will not happen again.  The whole reason why Longmire was given a fourth season was due to petitions and posts on social media, convincing Warner Brothers to offer Season 4 to various other networks until it was picked up by Netflix. 

Fans are still clamoring to hear from Netflix when Season 5 will be picked up.  Unfortunately, it is a waiting game on the series as the issue is that Netflix needs to see the numbers of Longmire Season 4, and those could take a while.  Part of the beauty of Netflix is that its subscribers can watch programs and movies on their own time, and the most devoted fans will be binge-watching Season 4 right away.  However, Season 4 of Longmire has only been up for a month, which means that it will take a while to gauge whether or not it is receiving the views it would take to justify another season.  After all, it took a while for Netflix to order a second season for their exclusive shows like Orange is the New Black and Marvel's Daredevil

Still, those two aforementioned shows were given the green light for a Season 2, and they are still quite popular.  Longmire had its head start following before it came to Netflix, and it looks like they are still going strong.  It probably won't be long before Netflix gives the greenlight for another season of the drama, and this will make a lot of fans of the show very happy.  Unfortunately, another waiting game will happen as it will take a while to film another season of the show.