Married at First Sight Season 3 Spoilers and Couples; Do They Have A Future Together?

Married at First Sight
The couple who seems to have something that might last are Vanessa Nelson, 26 and Tres Russell, 27.

FYI's extreme social experiment, Married at First Sight has aired its second episode of the third season where all three couples have met each other at the altar. They all became legally married right there on the spot, and will now be able to get to know each other through their honeymoon, after which, they will start building their lives together for six weeks before deciding whether to stay together or get a divorce.

Over 20,000 singles have applied to be on the show that sociologist expert Dr. Pepper Schwartz called "a modern take on arranged marriage" in the opener of the first episode of this season. She, and three other experts- Greg Epstein, Dr. Logan Levkoff, and Dr. Joseph Cilona ran intense studies on the potential candidates to make sure that each person was matched to the best partner in order to have a successful marriage. They drew all candidates from the same city (this time in Atlanta) to make sure that relocation wouldn't be an issue for anyone.

After Season 1, where 1 of the 3 couples split, and Season 2, where all 3 couples got a divorce, people are wondering how successful this season will be. Not only were there tumultuous "marriages" in the second season, but also one of the couples- Jessica Castro and Ryan De Nino had a violent ending with Castro having to file a protection order against De Nino because he threatened to kill her and her family. She was given a security team by the show's producers after he threatened her during a taping of Married at First Sight's reunion show, according to US Magazine.

A couple of the couples had a bit of a rough start. Ashley Doherty, 30, walked down the aisle to meet David Norton, 29, and marry him at first sight. Doherty is disappointed with her groom's looks. She says, "Unfortunately he is not the typical look that I normally date." Later she says "The men I usually date have dark hair, usually dark features. Ideally, there needs to be some sort of physical attraction." They both have the same longing to get married and start a family, as they told the cameras. David, on the other hand, thinks that his bride is beautiful, and notices that she is uncomfortable, so he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek when it was time for the kiss at the end of the ceremony.

He had told Daily Mail before the season started that he was afraid his wife wouldn't be impressed by his own looks. "It is one thing to be rejected when someone rejects you on a Tinder message, but it is another when your wife doesn't find you attractive."

Our second couple who might have a difficult time at first are Samantha Role, 30, and Neil Bowlus, 31. Sam nearly had a panic attack as she was getting ready to meet her soon-to-be husband at the altar. Even though they spent most of the ceremony laughing and joking, Sam says that she is "not immediately going to jump into being all lovey-dovey," and that she doesn't really see Neil as her husband. On the other side, Neil is trying to be romantic and show Sam that he has a "sentimental side" and "make her feel appreciated".

He does shock his new bride by inviting his ex-girlfriend to the wedding. When he introduces Sam to his ex, Diana, he tells Sam that Diana "knows him better than anybody else in the room." Of course, Sam isn't really thrilled about this. She questions in her private confession room interview "I wonder if this is why you're not married- because you do awkward things like this."

The couple who seems to have something that might last are Vanessa Nelson, 26 and Tres Russell, 27. At first, the show teases us with Tres walking off and leaving Vanessa standing at the altar, but really, he was getting a corsage for his new bride, and proceeded to get down on one knee to propose to her. Out of the three couples, they were the only ones to kiss at the end of the ceremony and during their reception. We learn in the 1st episode that his mother moved him away from his racist family (he is bi-racial, and there were people unaccepting of his parents' relationship) when he was young and then left him. He was raised by his paternal grandmother and aunt. Could this affect his current relationships? So far, he and his new bride appear to be warm and loving toward each other. This is one that may have some promise.

More info about the three couples and their matchmakers can be found at FYI. There are also full episodes on the site so that intrigued minds can catch up.