Speculations about the upcoming 2016 Nexus 7 are now making rounds online. According to rumors, the new tablet developed by Huawei could be released at Google I/O conference in May. Now, here's the latest round up of update about Google Nexus 7 2016 release date, specs and price.
The current smartphone from Google, Nexus 5X, is being offered at discounted price. Industry experts say this move suggests that Google wants to refresh its device lineup in preparation for Nexus 7 2016. The 16 GB model of Nexus 5X is currently available at $199, and the 32 GB variant is at $249. Buyers should hurry up, as these discounted prices will only last until April 7.
As for the specs of Nexus 7 2016, Digital Times said the tablet's design might come from the recently released Google Pixel C tablet. In addition, the device might have a Snapdragon 810 processor, coupled with 3 GB of RAM. It will also feature a screen display of 7 inches along with a screen resolution of 2,560 x 1,800 pixels. It might also offer a QHD panel. Aside from those features, Nexus 7 2016 may come with 4G support and Wi-Fi connectivity.
The same source from Digital Times claims the next-generation Nexus 7 will remain a budget-friendly device to attract more buyers.
The tablet is expected to be released at Google I/O conference, which is scheduled to happen on May 18 to 20.
There are reports that say the tablet will run on the new operating system from Google, the Android N firmware. Google has not yet revealed what "Android N" means, but it is speculated that it's either Nutella or Nougat. The version number of the new OS could be Android 6.1 or Android 7.0.
Google will talk more about Android N at the upcoming conference in May.
Engadget reported some of the features of Android N. The new firmware introduces a multi-window multitasking mode, redesigned notifications and quick settings, and the new UI customization options. Moreover, there are direct reply notifications that reply to messages right from an alert, iOS-style. The firmware also optionally bundles notifications from the same app so that they don't clutter on user's interface.
We'll give you more updates once Google made an official announcement about the Nexus 7 2016. Stay tuned with Gospel Herald for more tech news.