'No Man’s Sky' Release Date For PS4 and PC; Possible Link with PlayStation VR?

For those that are not familiar with No Man's Sky, it is essentially the video game that every gamer wants.  Simply put, the game allows the player to get in the cockpit of a spaceship and just fly through the universe.  Unlike most video games, where stops are limited to only a few places, No Man's Sky has 18 quintillion worlds to visit. This is what is known about the No Man's Sky Release date for the PS4 and the PC, as well as its possible link to PlayStation VR.

Last June at the Electronic Entertainment Expo annual gaming convention (more commonly known as E3), No Man's Sky just dazzled the crowd, and Hello Games seemed to imply that the game was going to be released quite soon.  There were whispers of it being a holiday release, but during the holidays, it was announced that it would be coming sometime in June 2016.

No Man's Sky
One of the most anticipated games is coming in August 9, 2016. Hello Games

The reason for the delay is likely that Sony really wants this game for its own, and the game will not be released to Xbox One (at least initially, but it is reported to come to the PC on the same release date as the PS4).  Many are saying that Sony also plans on making No Man's Sky one of the games that will be available for the PlayStation VR, according to Design and Trend

It really does make a lot of sense. After all, if you have a game where you can visit more new worlds than you can in your entire lifetime, doesn't it make sense to have some apparatus where you can turn your head and view a whole new planet like you were actually there?  So far, PlayStation VR has games lined up for it, but No Man's Sky sounds like it could be "the" game for this new hardware.

No Man's Sky
(Photo : Hello Games)
No Man's Sky

After all, the Oculus Rift, a VR headset made for the PC to be released this spring, will come with EVE Valkyrie on board, which is a similar space exploration game.  It sounds like these two VR games are about to become direct competitors, like Nintendo's Mario and Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog in the early nineties.  Added to the competition is the vastly crowdfunded game Star Citizen, another great big space exploration game, according to MNR Daily.

In short, it looks like Virtual Reality could really create an entirely new universe of gaming.  Perhaps the Game Awards and the DICE Awards should just make a new category of "Best Space Exploration Game" in order to choose which one of these three games (No Man's Sky, EVE Valkyrie, or Star Citizen) will be the best. 

As it stands, No Man's Sky is still slated for its June 2016 release, with no specific details other than that. As for the PlayStation VR, it is due out in the spring.  Surely these two properties can unite and give the gamer the ultimate space exploration experience that they have been dreaming of since the 60's Star Trek era and beyond. 

No Man's Sky
You can now pre-order No Man's Sky on PlayStation Store Hello Games