PlayStation 4 MUSASHI 3.50 System Update Released With Complete New Features, Including Remote Play from PC or Mac

New PlayStation 3.50 Update
The new PlayStation 3.50 Update allows for play on the Mac and PC. Sony PlayStation Blog.

Today, when you turn on your PlayStation 4, don't be surprised if it asks you for an update (also known by Sony as MUSASHI.  Go ahead and let that happen as it takes only about 4-5 minutes (with a few minutes of installation time and restart) , and there is a lot that this new update allows such as Remote Play on PC or Mac, Appearing Offline, Friend Online Notification, User Scheduled Event, Playing Together, as well as a new app with even more features. 

You can Remote Play from a PC or Mac Computer.  This is a very intriguing feature allowing the player the ability for Remote Play with a Windows PC and Mac, according to the PlayStation Blog.  For a PC, you will need Windows 8.1, 10, or later.  For the Mac, you will need OS 10.10 or 10.11.   You can select resolution (360p, 540p, or 720p) and frame rate (30fps Standard or 60fps High), with the defaults of 540p and Standard.  Playing can be done with a DualShock 4, which needs to be connected to the PC or Mac with a USB cable.  You can download the Remote Play option here. 

You can now "Appear Offline".  If you ever wanted to just play games or watch a Blu-ray, DVD, or other digital video content on your PS4 and not be interrupted, this is new feature is for you. If you go to your Profile tab, there is an option for "Appear Offline".  It can be accessed by holding the PS Button on the DualShock controller and none of your PlayStation friends will see you on PlayStation, and you can have some privacy. 

You have the option of "Friend Online Notification".  I've already discussed how a new feature allows you to appear offline, but there is also a similar feature that allows you to be notified when your friends come online.  In order to receive notifications, you need to select a player on the friends list, select Options, and then select "Notify When Online". 

Players can have a "User Scheduled Event".  Have you ever just wanted to make a date and time to play with a friend?  Instead of using social media, texting, emailing, or other method of communication, PlayStation has invented a way.  Just go to the Events tab, and then select "Create Event", and this will allow you to choose the day, time, game, and send it off to your friends.  Then, when the event starts, those users who registered will be automatically added to a party so you can start playing right away.  This feature also allows you to share an event to a group, as well as a community that you are a member of.  Once the event is shared, the event will be sent as a message, posted to a community wall, and then members can register from there. 

Playing Together.  This new feature allows all members of a Party to see what each person is playing.  It is helpful for when you want to join a friend's game, or start a new game together. 

The new PlayStation App for Version 3.50.  This application has some new features, some of them have been detailed above such as the user scheduled event, other players' shared activities appear in your activities, and Dailymotion has been added to Live from PlayStation.