Resident Evil 7 Release Date, Features and Rumors: Capcom to Reveal New Entry Next Month at E3

Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 7 coming on E3 2016

Good news for Resident Evil fans out there. Resident Evil 7 is already in the works! The game is set to be revealed at E3 next month. Now, here's the latest round-up of update about Resident Evil 7 release date, features and rumors.

The announcement of Resident Evil 7 is confirmed by Serkan Toto, a Japanese analyst. According to a Gamespot report, Toto revealed that the game will be shown at E3 that will take place in Los Angeles on June 14-16. He also stated that the game will return to the franchise's horror roots. Moreover, Capcom has reportedly hired Jordan Amaro for the upcoming game, who is also known to be a designer who worked on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

However, these rumors about Resident Evil 7 is still not confirmed by the game developer, but Serkan Toto is known to be a trusted analyst. In the past, he gave details about the Pokemon franchise and Nintendo's plans this year. So, we will see if his speculations about the upcoming Resident Evil game are true at E3.

As for other news about the game, Express reported that Capcom has hinted there would be more in the future.

"We're currently not at a state to talk about it," veteran producer MasachikaKawata said at the time. "But please stay tuned."

Interestingly, Capcom announced that three games will arrive in April 2017. One of the games is expected to ship 4 million copies, suggesting that it comes from a known franchise. However, there is no information if it is linked to the Resident Evil series for now.

It was in 2013 when the seventh installment of the franchise was rumored to be in the development. In a post about the former employee of motion capture studio House of Moves, an ex-costume designer at the company claimed that she worked as costume designer for the said Resident Evil game.

Meanwhile, Resident Evil 6 garnered mixed review scores. In a Gamespot's review, it was scored 4.5/10, calling it a "messy mix of annoying quick-time events and constant set pieces". Producer Masachika Kawata agreed to the complaints of the fans about the 2012 game. They were saying that it was strayed away from its horror roots. The producer admitted that they should produce titles that bring horror.

The game developer shipped 5 million copies of Resident Evil 6, but it didn't meet the fans' expectations.