Sony’s Paris Games Week Reveals Release Dates for 'No Man’s Sky,' 'Street Fighter V,' 'Detroit: Being Human,' 'Boundless,' 'Matterfall,' and more!

No Man's Sky

Paris Games Week was held this week in the city of love, and there was a lot of love given to fans of its games from Sony.  In addition to finally unveiling the release date of the long-awaited No Man's Sky, fans were treated to many previews of other games coming soon like Street Fighter V, and ones not tied to a franchise like Boundless, Matterfall, and Detroit: Being Human

The big news that everyone was looking forward to hearing at Paris Games Week was the release date of No Man's Sky.  It looks like a press conference has revealed that it will be happening on June 2016.  Now this is the PS4 release date, but it was previously reported that the PC version and PS4 version will be out on the same day.  There are no reports whether or not that plan has changed, but at this point, there is no specific release date in June for No Man's Sky

There was also a rumor going on that Sony PlayStation VR would be released on the same date as No Man's Sky.  Bringing Virtual Reality to this game would only make it even better.  For those that aren't familiar with No Man's Sky, it is a game where the player can explore a lot of planets (over 18 quintillions at last count), all with different ecosystems and lifeforms.  Yes, it is more than gamers could explore in their lifetime. 

According to IGN, there were other big announcements made at Sony Paris Games which include a new trailer for Star Wars Battlefront, which is having its release date very soon on November 17, 2015.  There is also a possibility of a Darth Vader themed PlayStation 4 console. 

Then there is also a reveal of Street Fighter V's new character: Dhalsim, the yoga master.  The release date of this particular PS4-exclusive game will also be happening on February 16, 2016. 

There are also reports that Battleborn will be getting a beta test as of next year, and then coming to the PS4 first.  Bandai Namco officially announced that Tekken 7 will be coming to PlayStation 4.  New games are coming soon like Gravity Rush 2 and Uncharted 4 also had their time in the spotlight.

In addition to the returning franchises, there were also some new games such as Boundless.  This game takes place in some very diverse environments that are accessed via portals and looks pretty good and full of some dinosaur-like beings.  Housemarque also showed off a science-fiction shooter called Matterfall.  The trailer for this game showed a man in futuristic armor battling ruby-like creatures in a futuristic city.  Both Boundless and Matterfall looked worth playing. 

However, one of the big games that were on display was an announcement from Quantic Dreams' David Cage, who is creating a game called Detroit: Become Human.  This is the PS4 debut game about Androids, but "don't call it sci-fi" says Cage.