'Spider-Man' Movie Release Date Update: Competing Closely with DC's 'Wonder Woman' on 2017?

Tom Holland is a possible choice to lead the 2017 ''Spider-Man'' film.
Tom Holland is a possible choice to lead the 2017 ''Spider-Man'' film. Reuters

Fans of "Spider-Man" solo feature need to wait longer before catching it on theaters. Sony has decided to move its release date.

"Spider-Man" will be in theaters July 7, 2017, instead of July 28 of the same year, as reported by Screen Rant. At least, that is the most recent date given. Fans should not fret because an equally-exciting movie is designed to take "Spider-Man's" original spot: Jumanji.

Jumanji is supposed to be a 2016 film but is now postponed to next year. The main reasons for these changes have nothing to do with the movies themselves. Instead, they are just the result of other scheduling changes. For one, because "Pirates of the Caribean: Ded Men Tell No Tales" is moving up to May, a gap will be left on its July 7 original showing date. "Spider-Man" is just taking over this vacated slot. On the other hand, because there are plans to move "Star Wars: Episode VIII" to a December spot, as announced by Disney and Lucasfilm, Sony decide to take out Jumanji out of its original December 25th spot. 

It remains to be seen if "Spider-Man" will uphold its newer schedule of July 7. If it pushes through, it will be in a tight competition with other comic book hero movie, "Wonder Woman." Warner Bros' "Wonder Woman" will be released just two weeks ahead of "Spider-Man" if this is the case. Seeing how long people waited for a solo film feature of feminine hero, "Wonder Woman" just might be too difficult to beat. Anticipation for "Wonder Woman" has already spiked up ever since an early footage on a DC Universe television special was released. According to Cinema Blend, Marvel's slowness to decide whether to have a "Black Widow" movie is helping "Wonder Woman." 

The Hollywood Reporter added that not only has DC already decided to release "Wonder Woman" with Gal Gadot as the star in 2017, but the movie can also even make history because a female director would allegedly work on the film. To date, only two women have worked on superhero films. 

When "Wonder Woman" was announced, the Internet exploded with excitement. Fans cannot stop talking about the possibility, and included in their discussions is their desire to see a female direct the movie. This comes as no surprise since it has been for years that the public wants to see a Marvel film directed by a female. A female-fronted superhero movie just might be the best time for DC to answer this demand and steal some attention from Marvel.