‘Star Trek’ New Series Release Date and News

Star Trek at its height
The new Star Trek Series will look like this, well, not exactly like it.  Paramount Pictures

Star Trek's fate is currently delicately balanced.  There are some fans that like the J.J. Abrams rebooted universe, but some (maybe even most) did not like the re-introduction of Khan in Star Trek: Into Darkness.  Paramount's prized science-fiction franchise can hope for a hit with Star Trek: Beyond, coming this summer, and there is also another new series on the way.  There has been some news about the new Star Trek series, or at least what tone the new series will have. 

A recent article from iDigitalTimes has revealed that Nicholas Meyer, a consulting producer and writer for the new and currently untitled Star Trek series is "partly inspired" by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.  Meyer wrote Star Trek VI as well as wrote and directed Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and these two movie offerings are considered prized by most Trekkies. 

These two films showed Star Trek in a more serious light, and they are filled with action and political intrigue, and is what Bryan Fuller, the showrunner wants to make.  Fuller is the creator of Hannibal, which was considered quite a great show in its own right.  He also created one of the greatest short-lived shows with an advanced premise with Pushing Daisies.  Oh, he also has a lot of Star Trek in his resume in writing for series like Deep Space Nine and Voyager

It doesn't sound like the new Star Trek series is planning to take place in the time period established by the ending of The Undiscovered Country.  This was the ending with the original crew of Kirk and Spock and the others, but it really set the stage for events that happened in Star Trek: The Next Generation.  After all, that film established the Khitomer Accords of 2293, which established a peace treaty between the Federation and the Klingons. 

The news isn't about when the next Star Trek period, but what tone it will have.  The way Star Trek VI ended was very similar to the political climate of the time in 1991, which was at the end of the cold war.  The world has changed much since then, but it certainly establishes the spirit of Star Trek at that time.  That is, how people who were once enemies can come together and learn to work together.

The issue is that Star Trek is something that needs to be taken back to its glory days of the last original crew movie and successful seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation.  Fans are cautiously optimistic that that this new series will bring back what they love about Star Trek, which really peaked in the early nineties.  Perhaps the new series will bring it back to glory like The Force Awakens did to Star Wars

So far, there isn't any word on when this new series will take place, but it does have a release date of January 2017, so we should learn more about the cast until then.  This series will be distributed concurrently on multiple platforms worldwide by CBS Studios International.