EA and DICE knew they were going to have a huge hit with Star Wars Battlefront, simply because it is a Star Wars game. Adding new downloadable content (DLC) is a way of keeping the already-devoted fans playing. It has just been announced that new DLC is coming with new worlds, characters, and weapons, which leads to the question of when is DLC related to The Force Awakens coming out, if ever?
According to Engadget, DICE announced the next map and character DLC pack known as Outer Rim. There are two new maps that include a close-range field within the palace of Jabba the Hutt as well as a second map of Sullust, an industrial planet with lots of lava.
IGN reports that the gameplay of Extraction is a new CTF-like mode in which the Rebels have to fight to deliver a resource shipment to their transport before time runs out. Those who are on the empire team will have to stop them from making the delivery in order to win.
In addition to the two new maps, there are also two new characters. One of them is Nien Nunb, who made his debut in Return of the Jedi as a co-pilot to Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon during the second death star attack. By the way, Nien Nunb is also visible in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The other one is Greedo, the famous bounty hunter who is most infamous for having shot first in the revised edition of the original Star Wars.
Speaking of shooting, players of Star Wars Battlefront will have access to five new weapons thanks to this DLC. These weapons include the Relby V-10 rifle, the DT12 blaster pistol, the Dioxis Grenade, the Scatter Gun, as well as Adrenaline Stim Star Cards. There are new Star cards that can be collected and used in battle.
Outer Rim will be available this month and accessible to anyone who purchased the Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass. This Season Pass costs about $50, which a very high price for a season pass, as even the one from Fallout 4 doesn't cost that much.
However, Star Wars Battlefront has several DLC releases planned for this year, which include ones taking place on Bespin or Cloud City. There will be another DLC that will take place on the Death Star.
As far as other DLC, perhaps it could be related to The Force Awakens. John Boyega, the actor that plays the reformed Stormtrooper Finn, has stated on Twitter that he loves Battlefront, presumably the Star Wars version. He also suggested that fans should get a full on offline story mode.
GamesRadar has apparently reported that EA has "categorically stated in the past that the two film canons can never cross". If you notice, all of the battles on Star Wars Battlefront are related to the original Star Wars trilogy. The issue of Finn appearing in a Star Wars Battlefront game is that apparently EA cannot use the new films within their game. However, what is the point of doing a Star Wars game if you can't do the next three films, and all the films from there?