There is no doubt that Star Wars Battlefront would be a big hit for gamers, and what keeps them coming back to play it is the amount of downloadable content (DLC) that EA/DICE is offering them. The recent Outer Rim offered some new worlds to explore, and it looks like an update this summer will bring Bespin to life. This will be followed up with the Death Star come holiday season, and considering that Star Wars: Rogue One is happening in theaters then, will there be anything related to that coming?
Last month, DICE announced the next map and character DLC pack with Outer Rim. These maps included a close-range field to Jabba the Hutt's palace and a map of Sullust, a planet known for its lava. There was also the gameplay of Extraction, a new CTF-like mode where the Rebels have to fight to deliver a resource shipment, and an empire team that has to stop them. It also introduced two new characters with Nien Nunb and Greedo.
According to Engadget, some new DLC is coming related to Bespin. If you aren't familiar with Bespin, it is a star system that has Cloud City, which was seen in detail in The Empire Strikes Back. This was the place where Han, Leia, Chewie, and C-3PO went to get help from Lando Calrissian before he eventually betrayed the band of rebels to the Empire. Cloud City is one of the most imaginative places in the entire Star Wars universe, so fans of Star Wars Battlefront will be glad to have a campaign located here.
Another bonus to the DLC is that Lando Calrissian will be a playable character. Also included as a player character is Dengar, a bounty hunter that was also seen in The Empire Strikes Back, as well as the Clone Wars series.
This Bespin DLC and two new playable characters will be arriving in June, but there is no specific release date available yet. There is going to be a total of eight Star Wars heroes as part of the Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass, and this includes two who are part of an expansion pack that hasn't been revealed as yet. This Season Pass will cost the player $50, which grants the player some exclusives. For example, the Outer Rim Season Pass came out on April 5th, but it had a two-week exclusive until it was just finally available for everyone to download.
Gotta Be Mobile states that there will be a Death Star DLC that will be out in time for the holidays, just as Star Wars: Rogue One, a film that takes place in between Star Wars Episode III and IV, will hit theaters. It has been previously established that the DLC of Star Wars Battlefront takes place in the timeline of the original Cinematic Trilogy (Episodes IV, V, and VI). The reason for this is the contracts that exist between DICE and Disney.
However, is it possible that Star Wars Battlefront will feature DLC from any new Star Wars movies that don't take place during or after The Force Awakens? We are going to have to wait and see on that, as perhaps there might be a loophole in the contract for allowing this to take place.