Steam Winter Sale 2016 Latest News And Updates: Begins On December 22, Doom, Watch Dogs 2 Going Cheap

Steam Winter Sale 2016

Are you on the lookout for a great bargain always? Well, avid gamers would certainly look forward to Steam's Winter Sale each year, and this year is no different. Expect to see great deals accompany the Steam Winter Sale that kicks off today. From what we know, there are some pretty interesting titles that have big discounts on them, letting you catch up with blockbuster titles on a more affordable note if you have missed out on them earlier on due to other circumstances. So far, we do know that triple A titles such as Doom and Watch Dogs 2 will receive a discount on the Steam Winter Sale, among others.

This Steam Winter Sale 2016 is not going to last for long -- it will just be a 10 day period where you will take the opportunity to purchase as many of the titles that you would like to play while saving a wad of cash in the process, as the sale ends on January 2nd.

Steam Winter Sale 2016 PC games
PC gamers, assuming you have not yet managed to give Watch Dogs 2 a go, perhaps now is the best time to do so. Watch Dogs 2 will come with a $20 discount, allowing you to enter the world of an open world action-adventure video game. Developed and published by Ubisoft, Watch Dogs 2 is the sequel to the hugely successful Watch Dogs that was released a couple of years earlier.

Not only that, if you grew up playing Doom from id Software, then you are sure to love the fact that the Doom reboot is now going to be cheaper than $20. Yes, you read that right. Assuming you already have a copy of the game, why not buy it for someone else, someone whom you have always wanted to introduce to the Doom franchise but never really took the opportunity to do so? At under $20 a pop, there is no better time than between now until January 2, 2017 to make a convert of your friend. That is not all though, you can live through nostalgic moments as the original Doom franchise titles will also be accompanied by extremely affordable price tags, too.

Cerebral PC gamers might also want to consider the indie mystery game known as Firewatch, which will retail for $12 a pop. Assuming you have managed to snag yourself a VR (Virtual Reality) gaming rig recently and are rather tight on cash at the moment, fret not. There are some VR titles that are available for sale to help you maximize the enjoyment of your VR machine, and these include Serious Sam VR and Google's Tilt Brush.

Other big name titles that you would definitely want to pick up on the cheap includes The Division, Fallout 3, as well as classics like Baldur's Gate II. How about giving some of the lesser known titles a chance while saving money in the process? Hyper Light Drifter is a pretty solid candidate, among others. Just make sure you conclude your purchases before 1PM Eastern time on January 2, 2017 so as not to miss the boat.