'Survivor' Season 32 In Kaoh Rong; What Happened in the Premiere Episode?

Survivor Kaoh Rong:Brains vs. Brawn Vs. Beauty

The 32nd season of Survivor premiered last night, and the obligatory introduction of all the contestants happened. The tribes, as mentioned before, were divided up into Brains, Brawn and Beauty. Survivor this season promises to be extra grueling- the most grueling 39 days in Survivor history. Here's what went down in the first episode.

In the intro, we hear everyone talk about how big, bad or beautiful they are, and how they will use that to their advantage. The female professional poker player, Anna, already has a strategy in place to use her beauty to distract people. Nick, talks about how much easier his life is because he is beautiful, and how his beauty is going to help him win Survivor.

A bell is rung, and the 18 contestants now have to grab supplies from the boat in 2 minutes to take to their camps, and stuff is flying everywhere- including chickens. Caleb, who people might recognize from the show Big Brother, jumps in- cowboy boots, hat, and all. He says that being an outdoorsman is going to help him win this game.

The Brawn tribe gets to work setting up camp. There's a bounty hunter, a former NBA player, a bodybuilder, a postal worker/student, a real estate agent and a construction worker. And apparently, on the Brawn tribe, they have problems counting past five.

Over at the Brain tribe, they are introducing themselves, and talking about how much Peter, the ER doctor resembles President Obama. He gets that a lot. Debbie, the chemist, reassures everyone that she has all sorts of training in her Civil Air Auxiliary program- EXTENSIVELY in fire building, shelter building, and all sorts of survival training.

The Beauty tribe is also working on setting up camp, where everything is beautiful. Tai, the gardener, expertly climbs the palm trees and cuts down the palm leaves and coconuts. The girls get to work weaving the leaves together for the shelter, and seem to bond. Caleb seems to be the one to hate on this tribe, saying that Tai isn't good looking enough for the Beauty tribe(although, to be fair, Tai was questioning why he was on the Beauty tribe). It is revealed that Tai was a Vietnamese refugee in 1979. He might know a thing or two about surviving.

The Brawn tribe is working hard, and it's hot. Sunburns are becoming a problem already because of the harsh sun. Alecia, the 26 year old real estate agent,doesn't seem to be doing much. They're calling her "Blondie" now, and she's already at the bottom of the tribe. Alliances are being made, and Sydney thinks that the girls- well, except her, of course, should go first.

Back at the Beauty tribe, they are chasing chickens, but Tai's got a plan to keep the chickens tied up and still happy(before they die). The girls start forming an alliance, and they want to include Tai because they like him, and Caleb, because they think his Big Brother alliances proved him to be loyal. Tai loses trust in his tribe quickly, though, when he starts looking for the immunity idol right away. He is digging up trees to look for it, but replants the trees, and even apologizes to them!

Thanks to Caleb, Beauty is the first to get fire! Take that, Brains and Brawn!

Joe, the 71-year-old former FBI guy, and Debbie, the 49-year-old chemist on the Brains tribe, are already at the bottom of their tribe, as people are saying they should be the first to go.

The island starts to get to people already by day 2. Aubry, the social media marketer on the Brains tribe, has a little panic attack after getting sunstroke. Meanwhile, Jennifer on the Brawns tribe gets a disgusting little bug in her ear that causes her ear to bleed, and a lot of pain. They manage to get it out(shivers), and she seems to be as good as new- just in time for the challenge! It probably laid eggs in her ear!

For the challenge, teams have to dive in the water to find paddles, then paddle their boats to shore, convert their boat to a cart, push it up to the end where they can choose to do a puzzle or do a stacking of balls while balancing on a wobbly beam. Winner gets a fire kit, 2nd place gets a flint, and the last team gets nothing but a date with Jeff at Tribal Council.

Brawn ends up falling behind everyone because Darnell loses his mask when he dives down for the first paddle. They are actually able to recover and catch up when the other teams are struggling to put their boats up on the cradles. Every team chooses the puzzle. The Brain tribe quickly wins, and it's down to Beauty and Brawn. Beauty manages to finish their puzzle first for 2nd place.

The tribe decides that it's pretty much on Darnell for losing the mask, and Alecia("Blondie") for not getting the puzzle done. At Tribal Council, each person has to convince their tribe not to vote them out. Alicia tells everyone that she messed up, but she's "a mental giant." The votes end up in a tie, but after the re-vote, Darnell ends up being the one to go.

If you missed this episode, CBS.com is great about getting the show up on their site the next day.

What are your predictions for the end? Do you have a favorite contestant yet? Let us know!