Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Is A Standalone DLC Game

Unchartered: The Lost Legacy
 Naughty Dog

If there is one place where gamers can expect for new games and titles to be announced, it would be at showfloors and conferences. The PlayStation Experience is one such platform, where in one of the keynotes in the event, Naughty Dog did step out to whet the appetites of those who have been on the lookout for a new Unchartered title for some time now, calling the new game “Uncharted: The Lost Legacy”.

This is certainly a surprise, and a pleasant one at that. After all, it was shared at the end of a 10-minute gameplay demo. In this particular gameplay demo, a woman was the main protagonist. As for her identity, she was later known to be a certain Chloe Frazer. As Frazer made her way through an alleyway that might be all too common in one of the many souks or bazaars in the Middle East, it was later revealed that India is the country that Frazer was in.

Frazer did not get too far in the gameplay video before she was found out by a bunch of men who are presumably part of a military operation. From there, she was no longer free to come and go about her very own way, so what does she do? She simply snuck her way as she was meeting with someone whom she was texting, while performing all of those Solid Snake espionage antics (without a cardboard box to hide in, of course). Simply put, Frazer is pretty deft at finding cover from time to time in order to avoid being detected, while her lock picking skills would be one that any Fallout player would love to have, as she infiltrates one building after another. Making her way to the top of the roof, she ends up in a brawl with a number of guards, and just like it looks that it is the end of it all as the dust was about to settle, a mystery woman emerges to save the situation. This woman happens to be a certain Nadine Ross of Unchartered 4 fame.

Naughty Dog did make mention that this is a new Unchartered game, where it will take on the form of a "new standalone story chapter." With no exact word on when Unchartered: The Lost Legacy will be released (on the Sony PS4 and PS4 Pro as an exclusive title, of course), we can only sit and wait for more details to be revealed by Naughty Dog. However, you can be pretty sure that Unchartered: The Lost Legacy will not arrive in time for Christmas, so 2017 would be a pretty decent bet at the earliest.

Interestingly enough, Unchartered: The Lost Legacy was supposed to be a DLC pack, where it eventually made its way to being a "story expansion" and in its upcoming iteration, as a "standalone experience." This would mean that this is going to be a shorter game than that of Uncharted 4, although it will be a longer gaming experience than that in The Last of Us expansion known as Left Behind.