Xbox Live with Gold Free Games for October and November 2015: Xbox 360 Play Online for Free On October 9-11

Free Multiplayer Weekend
Free weekend of Multi-playing for Xbox 360 gamers!  Beta News/Microsoft

Xbox Live has the unique Games with Gold subscription that allows its members access to a few free games per month, and for this weekend (October 9-11), Xbox 360 users can access this service for free. 

The latest deal offered this weekend on October 9-11 and possibly only this weekend is that users of the old-gen console, the Xbox 360, will be able to play online for free.  Beta News reports Microsoft saying: "Free Multiplayer Weekend provides Xbox 360 players the chance to experience one of the major benefits of Xbox Live Gold -- playing their favorite Xbox 360 games online competitively or cooperatively with friends and Xbox Live Gold members around the world. Enjoy fighting side-by-side with friends and allies, and take your game to the next level". 

This promotion isn't just for those in the United States, but it applies to Xbox 360 players from all over the world.  That is, if your country is on the eligibility list that can be found on the Xbox page.  Speaking of fine print, not all games will be compatible with free online multiplayer promotion, but some of the ones that are available are big AAA games like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Minecraft, and FIFA 16

Also available for the Xbox 360 until October 15th is Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesMetal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is part of a sub-series of prequels in the Metal Gear series, which takes place after Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.  This game follows the protagonist Snake as he infiltrates an American black site in Cuba called Camp Omega, to attempt to rescue a Cipher agent named Paz Ortega Andrade and a former Sandinista child soldier Richardo "Chico" Valenciano Libre. 

A Definite crowd-pleaser for the Xbox One crowd is that Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will be available as a free download until October 15th.  According to Amazon, this is the critically, acclaimed cinematic action-adventure, re-built specifically for next gen consoles.  This will bring Lara Croft back to life in a lot of detail through many great adventures. It is good timing that the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is coming out with the soon to be released Rise of the Tomb Raider coming up. 

Xbox One, Live Gold members can also download Valiant Hearts: The Great War until October 31st.  According to the Steam Store, Valiant Hearts: The Great War is "the story of 4 crossed destinies and a broken love in a world torn apart".  It is a 2D animated comic book adventure that mixes exploration, action, and puzzles in a World War I setting rich with atmosphere.  The player is actually playing four characters with Emile, is German son-in-law Karl, American soldier Freddie, and a Belgian nurse named Anna. 

Xbox One users will also be treated with The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season.  This is an episodic interactive drama graphic adventure that was released by Telltale games.  It takes place in the same fictional world of the graphic novel (not the television show, which differs in some ways), and has five "episodes".  The game is good at character development, and putting the player in the same scenario as its comic-book source material, and matching its grim, monochromatic tone with very little use of color. 

The Walking Dead Season One will be available on the Xbox One from October 16th until November 15th.  For those that have the Xbox 360, the same game will be available from October 16 to the 31st

So far, there has been no official word on what free games will be available for November 2015, but generally news like that doesn't happen until the end of the month.  So by Halloween, this information on the free games for November 2015 on Xbox Live Games with Gold will be made public.