Dr. Myles Munroe Memorial Service: Bahamas Prime Minister Releases Bombshell Comments during Funeral

Dr. Myles Munroe
The late Dr. Myles Munroe

Thousands of people showed up to remember Dr. Myles Munroe and his wife Ruth before they were laid to rest Thursday in the Bahamas. However, the prime minister of the Bahamas unleashed a bombshell during that state-recognized funeral.

According to Gina Gibbs of Bahamas Weekly, Bahamas Prime Minister Perry Christie thought that Munroe had a "sense of urgency" about him before his death and may have felt that his days were numbered. He made those comments while speaking at the state-recognized funeral service for Munroe and his wife.

"Dr. Munroe took a lively part in the discussions at the meeting but what I most vividly remember about him that Saturday evening was how he was one of the very last to leave the meeting and to leave my office after the meeting," Christie said. "Looking at it in retrospect, it seems that there was a lot on his mind, much more than normal."

Christie added that Munroe had the sense "that there was no time to waste" along with "a sense that the challenges of our times summoned us all to leadership in one form or another." According to Christie, Munroe wanted to aggressively tackle the problems of modern Bahamian society that deeply troubled him.

"I think about that now," the prime minister said. "I wonder about it now because it does suggests to me in retrospect that Dr. Munroe was perhaps sensing at some instinctive level, perhaps even at some prophetic level, that his days were numbered, and that the end of his numbered days was drawing nigh."

The prime minister noted that Munroe would always come home to play his part in building up the Bahamas. Christie then commented that Munroe "really loved his country, this beloved Commonwealth of the Bahamas."

"This kind of outreach was central to his sense of purpose and central to his work as an evangelist for Christ because it was clear to me that religion for Myles Munroe was not about locking oneself up in some remote ivory tower of private contemplation," Christie said. "Rather, it was about rolling up your sleeves and getting down into the trenches to deal with the real problems of real people living in the real world."

According to Gibbs, Christie wanted people to look for the Munroes' legacy in the lives they had changed and in the good that they had done.

"We read too much about those who are doing bad things in the Bahamas and too little about those who are doing good things, even great things, day in day out, working by the sweat of their brow; raising good families; helping out and doing good works in the community; leading lives of high purpose that ennoble themselves and ennoble us as all as a society, as a people, and as a nation under God," he said. "That's the kind of people Dr. Myles leaves behind as his monument."

According to Efrem Graham of CBN News, Christie called Munroe "indisputably one of the most globally recognizable religious figures our nation has ever produced."

The entire text of Christie's speech during Munroe's funeral can be found on the Bahamas government website.