Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon teased of four new combatant characters to be introduced in the upcoming Mortal Kombat X DLC scheduled for release in the first half of 2016.
Boon teased on his Twitter account, "Tomorrow?" with a picture of four silhouettes. Inscribed
on the picture is the phrase: "Who's next?"
"Tomorrow? pic.twitter.com/fMoXUSRvjf"
- Ed Boon (@noobde) September 2, 2015
The current Mortal Kombat DLCs have already featured ultra-violent brawler, including The Predator, Tanya, and the slasher horror icon Jason Voorhees.
Several DLC characters for the ultra-violent brawler have already been released, including
Following Boon's teaser, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has made official confirmation that Mortal Kombat X is indeed getting more DLC.
According to Game Spot, the upcoming expansion packs will add more playable characters. However, Warner Bros. did not provide specific information about the new list of characters. But one of the images in the silhouette looks like Wolverine.
The current Mortal Kombat X series has 29 playable characters, including Goro who was initially introduced as a pre-order bonus then offered later individually.
Tech Times offered this suggestions about the new characters:
"Noob Saibot - He has been in the game since the first entry. That's because he's the original Sub-Zero. He was killed in the first game then brought back as a wraith. Maybe he's been killed again, or maybe he's about to return to those willing to pay a little extra.
"Cyrax - This cyborg has been a series regular since Mortal Kombat 3, but he/it hasn't appeared in Mortal Kombat X just yet. His pals Sonya Blade and Jax Briggs are in the game, however.
"Smoke - He got his start as a hidden character in the first few games. He was made into a cyborg at one point, but then the storyline stalled, and he went back to being human. What hasn't changed has been the smoke that pours out of his pores.
"Rain - This 'purple-klad' kombatant was originally a joke, a reference to Prince's "Purple Rain." He was eventually released, but he served as evidence that Boon is willing to trick or treat Mortal Kombat fans."