PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2015 List: Leak of Assassin’s Creed 4 Revealed?

PS Plus
Assassin's Creed 4 coming to PS Plus for Free? Product Reviews

So far, there still is no word on what new free games will be available on PlayStation Plus. At this present time, there is one that is confirmed, and there is a rumor that something else could be coming.  This is what is known about the PlayStation Plus Free Games October 2015 list. 

According to Product-Reviews, there was a supposed leak for the PS Plus October 2015.  What happened was there was a screenshot of the North American PS Store that was taken overnight by a user.  This shows that Sony's PSN team has Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag available as a free game.  If you click on it, it will ask payment, so...did Sony accidentally leak a game?  Not only that, AAA game? 

The Latin Post says that PS Plus members are "clamoring" for another "Vote to Play" option for an indie game, and in the month of October, wouldn't it make sense to have some kind of Halloween themed game like Badland Game of the Year edition or Grim Fandango Remastered

According to Pushsquare, there is one Halloween-themed free title with Super Meat Boy.  The game was announced for the PS4 and Vita earlier this year, and the developer confirmed that the cross-buy title will be given away as a PlayStation Plus free game. 

If you are not familiar with Super Meat Boy, it is an independent game that has been on Microsoft platforms and looks like it will finally be coming to Sony.  The player controls Meat Boy as he tries to rescue his girlfriend Bandage Girl from Dr. Fetus.  The gameplay is a difficult platformer as Meat Boy uses his ability to jump and escape a lot of very sharp obstacles. 

We'll see what the lineup is as it gets closer to October.  In the meantime, here are the games available in September 2015 that are free for PlayStation Plus subscribers:

There is Grow Home, new to the PlayStation platform, where the player takes control of BUD, a procedurally animated robot on a quest to save his planet in many interesting and botanical ways.  This is available for the PS4 platform. 

As for the PS4 and PS Vita, there are two choices for this platform.  The first is Super Time Force Ultra, which is a side-scrolling action, shooter, and platformer where the player has 30 lives to run through levels of "bullet hell".  When the player dies or ends the run, the player can view and rewind their timestream in order to revisit the life of a prior player-character's run. 

The other game available for the PS4 and PS Vita is Xeodrifter.  This is a game that is modeled after the classic Metroid game, and playing involves searching odd alien worlds in order to discover new secrets for making it home. 

For the PS Vita, there is La-Mulana EX.  This is also a classic 2D platform with a definite Metroidvania type twist.  The PlayStation Store describes this game as "deep into the ancient ruins of La-Mulana on a quest to discover not just valuable treasure, but the secret to life itself". 

PS3 and PS4 users will be given the opportunity to play in a world of steampunk and hand-drawn environments, solving puzzles with the power of electricity and magnets in the 2D platformer that is Teslagrad

Those on the PS3 will be given a classic treat with Twisted Metal, one of the longest running PlayStation exclusive franchises.  The game features a lot of vehicle-on-vehicle combat, with a whole lot of explosions.