PS3 and PS4 Black Friday Deals 2015: Games, Bundles and Accessories Discount

Sony's PlayStation 4

Are you ready for Black Friday? The official start of the American Christmas shopping season?

Everyone's excited about getting the bargain of the year from Black Friday's upcoming madness. And if you have some hard cash set aside, there are some pretty heavy savings and value for money in store for the keen and passionate gamer.

GameStop has a lot of generous offers where game bundles and accessories are concerned. For example, you get a whopping $165 in savings if you get the PlayStation 3 Black Friday Bundle. This has a PS3 250GB System, the Batman: Arkham Origins (the third installment of the blockbuster Batman Arkham franchise series) and The Last of Us from 2013.

The great thing about this deal is that this PS3 System has a built-in Blu-Ray player. So guess how much data you can keep in it: that's 1,800 games (100MB), 150 movies (1.3GB), 55,000 songs (3.5MB), or 40,000 photos (5MB).

The best part is that you get a free PlayStation Network membership for online gaming, streaming movies and music with your Internet access.

Meanwhile, VG247 has the low down on some very cool Black Friday deals. There are some really good PS4 bundle deals, but they need to be pre-ordered:

  • PlayStation 4 500GB Console - Star Wars Battlefront Bundle goes for $349.99. If you are one of those who pre-order this game, then you get to fight the Star Wars Battlefront battle one week early on December 1st, 2016.
  • There's the PlayStation 4 500GB Limited Edition Star Wars Battlefront for $399.99. Amazon also has a bonus offer that is a free digital copy of Star Wars and a director's cut from Marvel and comiXology. You need to make a comiXology or Marvel account to use the promotion.
  • Another nice combo is the Call of Duty: Black Ops III Limited Edition PlayStation 4 1TB Bundle going for $429.99. It is a customized, PS4 and DualShock wireless controller. It has a Nuk3town Bonus multiplayer map available.

PlayStation 4 500GB Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection can be had for $299.99 and is available anywhere. You can try Target, Walmart or GameStop.

One PlayStation 4 500GB offer is interesting. You get Star Wars: Battlefront with an extra DS4 controller for only $389 at Sam's Club.

If you're looking at the accessories front, you can get Black Friday deals for the PlayStation 4 DualShock 4 controller for only $39.99 at GameStop. Meanwhile, the PlayStation 4 Camera is retailing for a mere $29.99 at Best Buy.

These are the best bundle and accessory deals for the upcoming Black Friday madness. Make plans now and don't get lost in the rush.