Destiny 2 Release Date Update: Expect It In 2017 and A 'Large New Expansion' in Fall 2016 (New Contents, DLC Features)

A screen shot from Destiny game

Bungie and Activision are going to present something big for Destiny players. It is now confirmed that Destiny 2, the game's first fully-fledged sequel, is set to be released in 2017. In addition, the game developer announced a "large new expansion" is being developed for Destiny in 2016. Now, here's the latest round up of update about Destiny 2 release date, new DLCs and expansion pack.

The revelation about the upcoming "large" expansion packfor fall 2016 is music to the ears of Destiny's avid players. Gamers can now hope for something big after months of speculation about what is next for the game, which has recently turned into a series of small, free events compared to big DLC packs last year.

The good news also comes after gamers were disappointed from Destiny's recent "Crimson Days" holiday event. Some gamers describe the game event as "pointless diversion".

Aside from "large expansion" in fall 2016, there could also be an update this spring. In Bungie's weekly update, it hinted that there is an update scheduled for spring and a large expansion pack later this year. According to Forbes, It seems that those two updates are different from each other. The spring update will feature Light level increase and new Pve content.

"Prior to the holiday break we mentioned a second, larger update slated for Spring... beyond that, the team is focused on delivering a large expansion later this year, and a full Destiny sequel in 2017," Bungie wrote in its weekly update.

As for the contents of upcoming DLC pack this fall, gamers hope that it would be more in the vein of The Taken King DLC, which added massive amount of  content in the game since its release. 

Regardless of these two announcements, it seems that this production pace is slow compare to what gamers saw in Year One, which released the vanilla game, two $20 DLCs and one $40 DLC in the span of a year.

Nonetheless, it is interesting to know that Activision and Bungie have to speed things up after they revealed a new DLC expansion pack is coming. If the gaming community has to go another month or two without any further developments in the game, it would be a huge disappointment for them.

According International Business Times, Destiny has 25 million players around the world that have logged for more than 3 billion hours in the game.