Ben Higgins never thought that he would be in love with two women at the same time. But he has to make a decision, and the moment of truth has finally come. Join us on the recap of "the most dramatic season finale ever."
Chris opens the show with an announcement that he has brought Ben's hometown pastor, and the family of each of the two women to the show because Ben told him that he is so in love that he's ready to get married that night.
So, we are in Jamaica, and Ben talks to his parents about how he has told both women that he loves them, and he is having a hard time making a decision. This is disturbing to his parents, but they think he'll make the right decision.
It's time for the women to meet his parents. Lauren goes first. She's so happy to meet them- since she told Ben she wanted to meet them on her first date. Ben's dad really seems to already be choosing her as his favorite. Ben's mom has her questions. She wonders if Lauren "can handle her son."
JoJo's turn. She talks to Ben's dad first, and he appreciates her emotions. JoJo makes Ben feel safe, according to his mom. It seems that mom really likes her. It may be safe to say that mom is Team JoJo.
Dad tells Ben that either one of the ladies would be "spot on." Lauren is "very polished and great gal." JoJo answered his dad's questions before he even asks. The parents are even as split on the girls as Ben is.
Ben was hoping for more clarity after the girls met his family, but he still doesn't know what he's going to do. His first date is with Lauren, and they once again confess their love for each other on a catamaran ride. On the beach, Ben tells her that his only doubts come from everything being "too perfect." For him, when things are too good to be true, it scares him. He hasn't been through any rough times- like he has with JoJo, and so now he seems dumbfounded and not knowing what to do.
After their date, Lauren is worried because Ben was not himself. He goes to her place, and they talk a little more, but he leaves her even more confused and emotional as he tells her, "No matter what happens you've made me a better person, made this worth it." Lauren is left wondering if this is the last time she would hear Ben tell her that he loves her.
A new day comes, and Ben wakes up feeling a little uneasy. Lauren used to be the front-runner in his mind, but apparently JoJo is catching up. They drive around Jamaica in a Jeep, and talk she tells him she doesn't have any doubts about him. At "the blue hole," they make out under a waterfall for a while before getting out to talk about what might happen after. JoJo reassures him that she would do whatever it takes on her end to make things work.
Back at JoJo's place, there's more uncertainty, and Ben confesses to her that he has also told Lauren that he loves her- in the bathroom where JoJo brought him to ask questions away from the cameras- fortunately, we can still hear everything that they are saying. Ben leaves her having to deal with the fact that he's in love with two women.
The next day, Ben is picking out the engagement ring, and he is still unsure of who he's going to pick, until Neil Lane- the ring guy, asks him, "Do you know who it is?" Suddenly, the light seems to come on, and he picks out the ring he will give to the woman he's going to ask to marry him.
Everyone gets helicopter rides to the proposal spot. JoJo comes out first, and she tells Ben that this is worth it- that he is worth it. She spills her heart to him, telling him, "I love you with all my heart, and I trust you, and I'm never gonna run from this no matter how hard it gets." Why do they let them go on and on professing their love, when they are about to tell them, "Sorry, Charlie!"? Ben tells her that even though he found love with her, he found it with somebody else more. No helicopter ride for her. Ben takes her to the limo so she can talk about how blindsided she was.
Lauren gets there next, but not before Ben makes a phone call to her parents to ask her dad's blessing. Of course, he gets it. It would be a little more dramatic if he said no, right? Lauren gives Ben her talk, he's her person and all, and there was a pause that makes her nervous, but Ben declares his love to her, "Lauren, I never wanna say goodbye to you. I want to wake up every morning and kiss you on the face. I want to go to bed at night and know that in the morning I'm gonna wake up to the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. My desire from here on out is live for you, commit to you, love you, hold you, kiss you a lot. Lauren, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
He gets down on his knee and gives her the ring, and they get to leave in the helicopter for their happily ever after ending.
The After the Rose Show
Ben gets the chance to talk to JoJo for the first time after he let her go. She will always have a special place in her heart for Ben, but she's at peace and has moved on now. She handled the after show with much grace. Of course, she will have a chance to find someone soon, as she is the new Bachelorette. The spoilers announced by Reality Steve were true! Her season will begin May 23rd.
Lauren is moving to Denver to be with Ben. Chris Harrison brought Ben's pastor on the show, as Ben had told him that he had been ready to marry the girl he had proposed to. Ben declined to get married then and there, though. They want a big wedding with all their family and friends, but they'll call the pastor back when they are ready. Ben did propose to Lauren again, though, so he could do so with her family there.
Will you tune into The Bachelorette to see if JoJo can find her happily ever after? Let us know what you thought of the show in the comments!