‘Overwatch’ Second Trailer and Beta Release Date With Special Editions

The next animated trailer for Overwatch has just been released.  You might recall the first of the trailers that we first reported on that featured a fight between Winston, an intelligent gorilla, versus Reaper, a being who seems to have teleporting powers.  This is what is known about Overwatch Second Trailer as well as the Release Date along with the Special Editions of the game. 

In this particular trailer, which can be watched below, the focus is on the conflict between Widowmaker, who is a blue-skinned sniper, going up against Tracer.  This trailer, which is called "Alive", is about how Widowmaker is attempting to kill Tekkhartha Mondatta, a robot who is delivering some kind of public address.  In the crowd is Tracer, who sees that the assassination is taking place and attempts to stop it. 

I won't reveal how it ends, but there is some demonstration of these characters' abilities.  Widowmaker has that sniper rifle along with a grappling hook, as well as some kind of Venom Mines, according to Tech Times.  As for Tracer, it looks like Game Director and VP at Blizzard Entertainment, Jeff Kaplan says that Tracer can blink around the battlefield, then jump in drop a devastating explosive charge at your feet, then warp backwards in time away from the blast. 

In fact, the video shows Tracer using her powers to rewind time, but is apparently not able to do it at the end, for some reason.  Again, you can watch the video below to see how that pans out.  Tracer has been a subject of controversy as last week, there was a posting of her striking a victory pose that some saw as hypersexualized.  Blizzard eventually took down the pose that showed off Tracer's posterior too much and you can read about that here, but an ad for the beta of the game might be hypersexualized as well, and you can read about that here

As for the beta, the open beta begins on May 5 and it runs until May 9.  There will be more of these animated shorts, as Blizzard expects to release four of them total.  These four shorts really show how much Blizzard is working on the storyline of this game. 

The story of this game is some kind of future world has had some war against some artificial intelligence known as the Omnic.  The group of Overwatch was created to help, but after the crisis was over, there was nothing for them to do, until now. 

Overwatch is planned for a release on May 24, 2016 on Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.  It is available for pre-purchase on the Overwatch site, with the Basic Edition with pre-purchase bonuses like a Noire Skin for Widowmaker and early access to the Overwatch Open Beta, 21 heroes, and some Iconic environments like King's Row in London, the Temple of Anubis, and more for $39.99.

The Overwatch Origins Edition comes with the same but includes some in-game goodies as well as 5 Origin Skins including Overgrown Bastion, Security Chief Pharah, Strike-Commander Morrison, Blackwatch Reyes, and Slipstream Tracer.   This is priced at $59.99.