ISIS Urges Followers to 'Break the Cross,' 'Destroy Arrogant Christian Disbelievers' in Propaganda Magazine

Islamic State militants lead what are said to be Ethiopian Christians along a beach in Wilayat Barqa, in this still image from an undated video made available on a social media website on April 19, 2015.   REUTERS/Social Media Website via Reuters TV

The Islamic State terror group has released a new issue of its propaganda magazine urging followers of the jihadist group to "break the cross" and destroy "arrogant Christian disbelievers", calling on Muslims to "pray for Allah's curse to be upon the liars".

In the 15th issue of Dabiq, published on July 31, ISIS also mocks those who claim Islam is a peaceful religion, according to Fox News, and is primarily directed at those it considers its enemies, particularly Christians.

The militants urge Christians to "break the cross" before offering them two options: risk death in a "futile" war against ISIS or convert to Islam and "enter the Gardens of Paradise," the Express notes.

"[Christians] have the option of trying to cling to the transient luxuries of this life, rejecting the truth in favor of either paying jizyah [tax] to the Islamic State or continuing to wage a futile war against it," reads the magazine.

"Alternatively, they can heed the warning of Allah that the worldly life is not guaranteed even for those who pursue it at the expense of their salvation, and thus choose to embrace Islam, champion the truth, attain the mercy of their Lord, and enter the Gardens of Paradise."

The magazine also includes several disturbing images of beheadings and stonings and devotes an entire section to the words and actions of Pope Francis, headlined "In The Words Of Our Enemies."

Another editorial titled "Why We Hate You and Why We Fight You" criticizers Westerners and "apostate 'Imams' in the West" who refuse to define ISIS' motivation as being Islamic and refer to the religion as one of "peace."

"Many Westerners, however, are already aware that claiming the attacks of the mujahidin to be senseless and questioning incessantly as to why we hate the West and why we fight them is nothing more than a political act and a propaganda tool," the article says. "The politicians will say it regardless of how much it stands in opposition to facts and common sense just to garner as many votes as they can for the next election cycle."

The magazine contends that those on the "social fringe" who identify Islam with ISIS are correct and "clarifies" in "unequivocal terms" that the jihadist group is Islamic.

"There are exceptions among the disbelievers, no doubt, people who will unabashedly declare that jihad and the laws of the Shari'ah - as well as everything else deemed taboo by the Islam-is-a-peaceful-religion crowd - are in fact completely Islamic, but they tend to be people with far less credibility who are painted as a social fringe, so their voices are dismissed and a large segment of the ignorant masses continues believing the false narrative," the article says.

President Obama has been criticized in the past for refusing to use terms like "radical Islam" or "Islamic extremism." The president has claimed he refrains from doing so because he believes it would grant undeserved religious legitimacy to terrorist movements such as ISIS.

However, a recent article from the New York Post, titled "We have failed to protect Christians from Islamic terror," claims that the United States' "tolerance for Islam's intolerance is the greatest weapon these blood-cult terrorists have."

"President Obama refused to acknowledge the torture, rape, kidnapping, enslavement and mass murder of Christians at the hands of Islamist fanatics (and not just ISIS)," the author writes, adding,"When alarmed voices raised the prospect of giving priority to Christian refugees, the administration cried, 'Bigotry!' - and gave priority to Muslim migrants."

The author continues: "In the name of tolerance, we've allowed foreign-funded hate mosques to tyrannize our Muslim fellow citizens. Citing religious freedom, we won't even eavesdrop on incitements to murder or prevent rabid foreign institutions from sending militant mullahs to bully Muslim communities in the West."