Android 7.0 Nougat Update Release Date Availability For HTC 10 And HTC One M9

Unlocked HTC One M9 gets Android 7.0 Nougat update
It looks like the HTC One M9 is now officially picking up the Android 7.0 Nougat update in new regions. The long wait continues for HTC smartphone owners when it comes to the latest Android Nougat update. Here is the newest skinny on the HTC 10 and HTC One M9 picking up the newest Android 7.0 Nougat update. HTC

You own one of the newer HTC smartphones, be it the HTC 10 or the HTC One M9, it does not matter. What is important to you at this moment is the availability of the latest version of Android being released on your device. Good news then for you owners, as there has been progress made on that front.

HTC One M9 receives Android 7.0 Nougat update
The HTC One M9 might be seen to be neglected in terms of software updates, but not indefinitely. It looks like the Android 7.0 Nougat update is now being pushed out to the HTC One M9 flagship device in selected regions of Europe, as well as in Turkey and South Africa. With Android 7.0 Nougat being half a year old already in terms of availability, not to mention the HTC One M9 being a fast ageing device, this particular update release goes to show that there is still some life left yet in the HTC One M9, at least for now. HTC's Product and Service Director Graham Wheeler did tweet that "more countries [will] follow over the coming days", so if you are in mainland Europe with a HTC One M9 but have not picked up the Over The Air (OTA) update for Android 7.0 Nougat, fret not. Your time will come. Alternatively, impatient owners can always furiously perform a manual check by heading to Settings > About > Software updates > Check now on their respective devices. This particular OTA update will weigh in at 1.27GB thereabouts, so it would be best to make sure that your HTC One M9 has at least half of its battery full and you are hooked to a decent Wi-Fi connection before proceeding with the update.

Android 7.0 Nougat for the HTC 10
Those living in Europe with their HTC 10s would have started to receive the Android 7.0 Nougat update, where this particular OTA update would tip the scales at 1.17GB. Originally being made available for unlocked HTC 10 devices only, it seems that other regions in Europe has started to follow suit, including the UK, Russian, Middle East, and Turkey as tweeted by Graham Wheeler. Not only that, there is another HTC handset, the HTC 10 Lifestyle, that also picked up the 1.15GB Android 7.0 Nougat update in Europe as @LlabTooFeR shared, bumping the ROM version to 2.22.401.3.

Do take note that the Android 7.0 Nougat update did run into some technical issues in mainland Europe during its rollout, and HTC are doing their level best in order to correct the situation. Hence, if your HTC 10 has yet to pick up the Android 7.0 Nougat update just yet, a little bit more patience is called for on your side as we look forward to normal service being resumed this month.

Chances are the HTC One M9 would no longer receive any more future Android updates after the Nougat revolution is over, but it is encouraging to see HTC offer such support until now -- albeit being later to the Nougat game compared to the other smartphone manufacturers.