April 2017 Xbox Games With Gold Free Games: The Walking Dead Season 2, Ryse: Son of Rome Whets Your Gaming Appetite

Xbox Games with Gold April 2017 lineup confirmed
Assassin's Creed Revelation is one of the free titles confirmed for April's Xbox Games with Gold program YouTube screengrab

It is that time of the month again -- for Xbox Live Gold members, that is, to look forward to four more "new" games that can be part of their gaming arsenal. Those who subscribe to the Games with Gold program will be able to reap the benefits of it, and one of them would be able to receive four games every single month for free. Granted, real avid gamers would most probably have already given these titles a go in the past, and completed them in all probability, but if you are new to the Xbox One scene, having an Xbox Live Gold subscription is worth every single penny as gems do crop up from time to time in the Games with Gold program. What does April 2017 hold for this special group of subscribers? Disappointment is definitely not part of the vocabulary in this sense, that is for sure.

As usual, there will be four new free games to be able to enjoy this April 2017 with your Xbox Live Gold subscription, where two of these titles will be made available on the Xbox One, while another two would appear on the older Xbox 360. Needless to say, it makes perfect sense to have an Xbox Live Gold subscription if you are an Xbox One owner, since the current generation console will have the relevant processing firepower to deliver backwards compatibility so that you can enjoy Xbox 360 games on it as well, but not vice versa, thanks to Xbox One with Backward Compatibility.

Xbox One games
What are the two free Xbox One games for Xbox Live Gold members this month? They are able to download Ryse: Son of Rome throughout the entire month of April, which is a game that would normally cost you $19.99 a pop. Those who have already given that game a go can always get ready for a bumpy ride in the form of The Walking Dead: Season 2, although the availability of this title as a free download will fall within the April 16 to May 15 window.

Xbox 360 games
Xbox 360 owners who have an Xbox Live Gold subscription can start to pick up Darksiders, a title with a $19.99 value (even after all these years!), although it will only be available from April 1st until April 15th. If you missed that out or are not too interested in it, there is always Assassin's Creed Revelations, also carrying a $19.99 price tag, that will be released for free from April 16th all the way until the end of April.

April 2017 is certainly one of the best months so far for all Xbox Live Gold subscription members, and if you happen to have played these "classics", you would know that they are great titles that can easily absorb all of your game time. It does make one wonder though after all this while of seemingly lacklustergame releases, why now where we can see four blockbuster titles thrown into the mix? Is there a more covert strategy that intends to undermine the popularity of the newly minted Nintendo Switch? Perhaps, and even more interesting is, how will Sony respond with their PlayStation Plus program for April?